🙋🏻‍♂️ avoid 16 MISTAKES 🚫 when you visit MADRID 🇪🇸 #090

→ 16 mistakes to avoid in MADRID for a superb 💕 stay in the capital of Spain.
00:00 mistakes to avoid in Madrid
00:48 the most important one
01:35 skipping this
02:28 far far away
03:52 hiring this
04:24 overwhelmed
05:24 free entry, no ticket
06:07 on a rainy day
06:38 eating here
07:00 not on public transportation
08:10 madness!
09:02 too early
09:36 avoid them
10:06 not caring about this
10.38 being impatient
11:07 not beyond the centre
11:27 lack of planning
➡️ essential guide to Madrid
➡️ best regions to stay in Madrid
➡️ 20 Madrid museums
➡️ tapas tour in Madrid
➡️ line 001 (free bus)
➡️ best day-trips
➡️ sangría
➡️ tipping in Spain
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🙋🏻‍♂️ If possible, please find a video related to your question before posting. Thanks a lot!
We are Cecilia and Tony and travelling throughout the Iberian Peninsula is our passion. On the channel we want to share that passion with you sharing practical advice to help you with your trip.
We write, record and edit our own videos. Most photos and videos are ours, recorded on numerous trips around Spain and Portugal. When we use third-party videos, we do so under permission.
► Maps: ©2019 Google, Imágenes ©2019 TerraMetrics ©2019 Inst. Geogr. Nacional España.



  1. Useful and nicely put tips. Thanks! I've just returned from my first Madrid visit and I couldn't agree more with everything you said.

  2. Muy buen vídeo. Muy profesional. Un solo "pero": el palo injustificado a mi modo de ver, a los restaurantes de Plaza Mayor. Es cierto que son más caros pero es porque tienen que pagar un alquiler más alto. No es lo mismo comer en la Plaza Mayor que en Villaverde Bajo, un poner. El escenario también hay que pagarlo. Todos, incluidos los propietarios de los restaurantes, lo pagan, en Madrid y en cualquier sitio. Y, por lo que tengo probado, si hablamos exclusivamente de calidad de la comida no son peores que otros sitios y alguno (Los Galayos, por ejemplo) alcanza una notable calidad. Ah, y los bocatas de calmares los hacen muy bien y muy baratos en cualquier bar de por allí. Ok, no es más que comida de trasnochada pa' borrachines de los 70, pero se han convertido en algo típico y parece ser que ahora son un must si visitas Madrid. Pues lo dicho: en todos los bares de Plaza Mayor y alrededores la calidad es más que aceptable y los precios, ajustados.

  3. We decided to visit Toledo the next time we visit Spain. We thought it would take 2 nights and 2 days. I messaged your a couple of weeks ago about not getting a train to Toledo. We decided the trip was too short to enjoy Toledo.

  4. What would be the best places to visit when in a long conexion in Madrid? I'll be visiting Barcelona later this year, but I'll have 13 hours do spend in Madrid, arriving there around 9am

  5. Hello Tony, we are just starting to plan our trip to Spain from England and thinking of flying to seville have 3 nights there, then train to Madrid for 3 nights, then train to Barcelona for 3 nights then fly back to England. Just stumbled across your videos and think they will be very useful 👍🏼 👍🏼. Great work 👏🏼👏🏼. Well done

  6. We plan to travel in Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Avila and Salamanca by train and take a taxi from the train station to hotels in city center. Is that a OK plan and how much should we budget for those taxis ?

  7. Toledo is a daunting day trip. I spent two and a half days there and wish I had one more. Toledo is huge and complex. If you have, say, 10 (full) days for a vacation to Madrid, do 6 in the city, 2 in Toledo, and 2 in Segovia. Avila, too, is worth 2 days. But Madrid is such an incredible city, you can spend a full 10 days in it and not get bored.

  8. I disagree on not eating in Plaza Major restaurants. I highly recommend Los Gelayos, especially if you can eat outdoors. And that free carafe of Aquadiente is an unexpected treat.

  9. Thank you very much Tony for answering my questions regarding buses and trains that quick the other day. I forgot under which video I posted that message but thanks.

  10. All over the internet I see people saying only go to Madrid for a couple of days or skip it completely in exchange for other popular cities. I ignored this and we went to Madrid for 8 days… there are still some things we did not get to do! We will definitely be going back! It really is a great city! We went in November. It was chilly but not bad. We stayed in the center and used public transit. We had a bit of trouble with the metro ticket machines but there were often employees there to help. We definitely experienced "slow" service at restaurants but that's by US standards. It seemed to be average/normal for restaurant service in Europe. Everyone was kind and helpful in our experience. We had a difficult time communicating (the Spanish we know is from Latin America, we thought it would be similar enough… not always! lol) at one restaurant in particular but they worked with us and we enjoyed our experience still! We may have accidentally ordered some unexpected things but we just went along with it and learned that we liked them anyway. It ended up being an interesting way to try new things, lol! (it happens to us on many of our trips)

    Anyway, yes definitely use public transit! And walk! You will get nice views! Driving might have been easy enough for us to do in the city, but parking would have been a nightmare! We decided to visit Toledo for a day at the last minute. We took the earliest train out and one of the latest trains back. It worked out very well. Though I do regret not paying for some kind of tour in Toledo. But we still really enjoyed our day of wandering/shopping/sightseeing!

  11. In your opinion what week is best to visit in September? The beginning of the month or the end of the month?
    Also do you think it’s best to book the day trip to Toledo when you book your vacation or at the hotel on arrival in Madrid?

    Your videos are very informative thank you!

  12. Hi Tony thanks for a very informative and practical video. Next July we are driving to Madrid from the ferry in Bilbao. On the way we will spend 2 nights in Segovia and 1 night in Avila. We have already viewed your videos on these 2 great cities. Where do you think would be the best place to park up for 5 nights for our stay in Madrid. We are thinking of Parking at Madrid Airport do you think this is a good idea. Muchas gracias desde los Irlandeses.

  13. HI Tony. If I'm going to just spend one day in Madrid (taking the train in for one day) would you please suggest what you feel are the best two things I should see? I know there is a market there that people say is a must. I plan on staying about 8-10 hours. Your suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance.

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