OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: “If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong.”

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: “My worst fears, are that we cause significant – we the field, the technology, the industry – cause significant harm to the world…If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong and we want to be vocal about that.” Full video here:

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  1. As a person with over 15+ years in the field, I remember when O365 was announced by Microsoft. That together with virtual software (vmware and Hyper-v) made a huge impact.
    It was complete game changer for every industry you could think of.
    This was also the time when things like SaaS, PaaS and IaaS got popular that a lot of smaller companies had to close. It was a paradigm shift, like when Windows95 came or the first iPhone.
    However, the feeling I'm getting now, this paradigm shift is even bigger and at the same time I have a feeling we will solve it together. Because if we don't, the rapid phase on development right now has not even peaked yet so the impact on global society will be too much. With that said, I am very excited. It is the first time something useful has happened to the industry in a very long time.

  2. Honestly, there is no way to foresee how these technologies will impact our futures .
    So far we are seeing how social media is causing tremendous negative impact on our youths mental health-and these companies that are creating these apps are taking no responsibility to fix the problem they‘ve created.
    companies are using these technologies to influence voters-to influence people to commit violence-there’s also the fact that our sensitive information, our location and privacy is being compromised-(where are the laws to protect our privacy) to protect our childrens mental health-laws to protect our citizens from being recruited to attack voters and the White House -laws to protect our voting systems-.
    Do you see where I’m getting at.
    with each new technology we are seeing more and more unforeseen problems that are compromising our laws , our voting systems and even our integrity to be descent human beings.
    My suggestion is please fix the problems that these current technologies have created , before exposing the world to new ones.
    I do believe Ai can be beneficial in the right hand -but as we’ve all seen it’s easier to use technology for evil than good.
    These are the conversations that we should be having -these are the concerns that we should be addressing-as far as I am concerned these conversations and are long overdue.
    So let’s please fix them.

  3. I'm not denying the good things AI can bring to us. But I'm already feeling nostalgic about the times and experiences that will be left behind. I can imagine people being more isolated than ever talking to AI, less real connection. Disconnection has been happening for so long, but I feel this will make it even worse.

  4. Ai will take over so many jobs it’s highly unlikely that it will create nearly as much new jobs, i think it’s the opposite… every computer or data based job is on the edge only jobs ai can’t recreate are jobs where people work with their hands

  5. How can technology create MORE jobs when it's the opposite for regular people like us? The supermarkets already have automated cashiers. Software developers and any type of developers will completely disappear because AI would be able to do their job for them, quicker and more efficiently. This is dangerous. And people that defend this need to open their eyes.

  6. First of all: these AI guys (and girls like Christina) create jobs and money for themselves. They dont care about jobs being lost. This is the most ignorant and phoney bunch of people only interested in themselves. Why did they start this nonsense in the first place? To earn money, because the other industries have reached their expanding limits. Growth cannot go on forever. Economies and societies grow, become decadent and end in wars and destruction. So, as we seem to have reached civilization phaze 3, this AI industry is an attempt to earn money with something new. Telling everybody its pros. Now that it gets serious, let us mention the cons. Well, why the fuck do we have to optimize everything digitally in the first place? Food is being grown in the real world. And no intelligence (or rather stupidity) can replace experience of 'organic kind'. That is, human and animal. These AI computers and robots can only be fed with data but you have to feel the soil, the crops, the animals and instinctively decide with expertise. AI can calculate data. But the real world does not work data based. Unfortunately psychologists and similar disciplines are convinced that everything can be explained by data and data/behavioural patterns. No, only trivial relations rely on patterns. Our universe is much more complicated that any human can design a machine that is supposed to be smarter than humans. Well perhaps rats are more intelligent than us. But they cannot feed billions of people

  7. Sam Altman has a wishy-washy mindset living in a fantasy inner world wanting to "improve the world". He has fun, receives "intellectual fulfilment" and lives a life of luxury. And this is our implication, besides them who are involved in building it, by silently observing … No wonder – we deserve it!

  8. You notice how he says "AI WILL automate some jobs but..". Not dwelling on the negative side and minimalizing it on purpose to make us accept this change with open arms. It's inevitable though I think and we're just goign to have to learn to survive and shi IG

  9. Skynet isn't going to happen folks. It would require AI to actually manifest itself in this physical world and right now there are no robots for it to take over. Can it give your PC a virus? Sure. But its not going to make your PC grow arms, pick up a gun and start shooting you.

  10. Why someone trying to destroy what thousands of people strived to be done. May be country should to regulate the way it communicate to the direct citizens?

    This technology seems to solve most general problems of citizens, that makes you more humane to solve harder questions. Therefore the developers country will be ~39% ahead of other countries, where citizens has no ability to retain this problems as fast.

  11. the jobs it will probably need in the future will most likely require imagination, with everything that is logical being able to obtain easily with AI knowledge, what AI doesnt have the capability, at least yet and i think for the far future is Imagination.

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