Is China’s technology falling behind in the race for its own ChatGPT?

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Do you find artificial intelligence daunting? The world hasn’t stopped talking about it since the US start-up company OpenAI launched its advanced generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT, in November 2022. In fact, big tech companies globally have started dumping money into developing their own AI chatbots to come up with the best one. In China, companies like Baidu and Alibaba are in the race, but their standings remain uncertain. Experts say Chinese companies face barriers of a closed internet system and content censorship that are necessary to improve the intelligence of their products. Yet at the same time, the race has just begun, giving China plenty of time to develop into a front runner.

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  1. Why does this page protect racism? South China Morning Post showed an interview with Margaret Cho saying when Asians want to be productive they really want to be White. SCMP seems to agree with this antiwhiteism racism. Do they believe this is Asian self-hatred too?

  2. I’m sure China still thinks it’s the best in everything. Most likely they will try to steal the tech in a few years and say “you cant bully China!” 😂

  3. AI is all about data sets and it crawls on your data from facebook, google, baidu, whatapps, amazon, search engine, twitter, wechat, and all the online data both public and private without your permission to check against set of algorithms created by someone like an Open AI.

  4. China is lacking behind for now but China unlike the west has a key resource called money. They will bribe ex developers of companies like open ai and nvidia. The west is getting a bit too comfortable with AI, when they are up against a strong rival

  5. China can definitely have a better "ChatGPT", but since it will never ever be open source, it cant be. At most it just be a carbon copy when they find ways to scrape or hack their database, but it never be original or better than OpenAI's version

  6. It is curious that the Sinophobic bots “Last Chang”, “mini-BBC”, “Arabic Reja” and “Ahmet Tekin” will post supposedly pro-China comments on the SCMP site, while on any other site they post their usual malevolent anti-China venom. In fact, sometimes they will post pro-China and anti-China comments on the same video. Then, along will come “wynn” (also known as “Mohmmed Kumar”) and claim that I am unable to read, or have failed as a bot, or am an Indian or am about to run away. Almost as if “wynn” is the originator of the bots “Last Chang”, “mini-BBC”, “Arabic Reja” and “Ahmet Tekin”. It is equally interesting that “wynn” only follows these bots on the SCMP site. He is nowhere to be seen when they post – along with many other Sinophobes – on other sites.

  7. What dose ChatGPT help the general public anyway? I can totally understand AI can help with simulation for design or other automation industry. Is human that desperate need an AI friend?

  8. Actually OpenAI is very biased: i.e. ask how fmr-POTUS Obama can really live-up to his Nobel Peace Prize awarded to him by European powers, and you'll get a number of interesting suggestions, BUT, it will offer ZERO – NONE – ZILCH intellectual discourse about the validity of the Nobel Peace Prize or its Committee! You can say that the "deep learning" embedded in its "neural networks" has deeply embedded tinge of White male chauvinism as can also be seen in the clickbait imagery to this video 🫨

  9. Well they probably try to control what it says way too much. For example, imagine asking it about the Qing Dynasty conquest of Xinjiang and the genocide of the Dzungar Mongols who lived there. It would probably respond to you like Mao Ning like
    👩🏻: “we strongly reject your highly malicious and destabilizing question and highly urge you to respect win win industrial supply chains and one China policy and cease this zero sum slander.” You’d be

  10. Chinese attempts at creating a ChatGPT comparable chatbot are doomed to failure. It can't be at the same time intelligent and in line with the CCP doublethink.

  11. South China Morning Post is just an arm of the Western disinformation industrial-complex. South China Morning Post is and will become an increasingly useful propaganda tool for the US military-industrial complex in its coming Ukrainization of Taiwan, as it was during the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests” as described by the SCMP) 2019 – 20. It is obvious that the SCMP supports and promotes the Sinophobic bots “Last Chang”, “Beijing Genocide Olympics – 2022”, “Pub Comrad,”, “Yang Zhou”, “Chop in Suey” (also posts as “ChopSuey”), “Lami” , “Arabic Reja”, “Ahmet Tekin”, “mini-BBC”, “UKchatman” , "wynn" “Mohammad Kumar”, “Sean”, “mudshovel” and “Covert Puppy Two” amongst an infestation of many others. These bots migrate to the SCMP when they have been found out for what they are on other channels.

  12. The anie bot example lady was trying so hard to poke government and censorship issues. You had one job , show us if china have a working chat bot , and the 3 questions you ask are government, beijin ,xijinping and pm li?? Really useless

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