Angkor Wat – Ancient Hydraulic City Using Advanced Technology

The Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia might be the most astonishing ancient site on earth. Covering an area of more than 400 acres, it is made up of something like 10 million stone blocks intricately carved and stacked into temples, terraces, and galleries. For comparison, Angkor Wat covers three times the area of Vatican City, and is made up of more than four times as many blocks as the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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Narration: Petra Ortiz –


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  1. Princes champ married with prince medang kingdown java era dynasty syailendra ,born suryawan 2,suryawan 2 born and rise in java following his grandfather,suryawaman2 came back to Kamboja to be king kamboja

  2. The architecture of Angor Wat was built according to the architecture of a similar structure situated in Bogra district of Bangladesh. Angkor Wat was built by artisans from south India.

  3. Less than 1000 years old. Impossible. The dates HAVE to be wrong. No Common Era civilization of man could have constructed this and lost the technology to recreate. Simply didn't happen.

  4. Gotta say, between the circuit-like design and the overall layout, I would be more inclined to believe this has atlantean origins. Lest he forget, the atlantean civilization was NOT all located within the lost city. It was nearly if not completely global.

  5. A compass will not give you an accurate north pole spinning axis. It will show the direction of the magnetic north pole is, 2 different poles. The spinning axis north pole and east west directions are easily found with sticks, string and a pole in the ground marking the poles shadows movement over time gives perfect NWSE directions.

  6. I dont think this structure has anything to do with religion. I think it's a form of energy or frequency technology! Just the usual lies they tell us. All our history is a lie, but the truth is rising to the surface!

  7. It always amazes me when you humans say something is impossible just. Because you can't figure out how it was done. Just because you're not smart enough to be able to do it. Or to figure it out.
    .Nothing is impossible.
    When you have the knowledge to do it
    And believe me they know how to do it They're just not going to tell you about it.
    The public gets nothing.
    Nothing beneficial to humanity.

  8. The proof of an ancient advanced race is so profound around the world and at this site it can not be denied, but it has been by academia and will continue to be. They cant have us knowing the truth. This is a wonderful program and glad i stumbled across it

  9. Wow this took a huge left turn out of nowhere….
    All these questions at the end, undermining the rest of an otherwise great video. 😢

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