China has created a replica of the sun using nuclear technology. This development raises concerns about whether China can handle the consequences of such a feat and if there is a possibility of things going wrong. Join us as we delve deeper into the groundbreaking invention of the Chinese sun.
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#Voyager #Space
Well, let's drop it on the usa. Mexico, cuba, and other countries around should all travel to Eastern Europe
Thats y we r facing heatwave. …
I'm saddened that as a sun goddess I was not informed 😔
It is absurd no human strength could ever embrace the power of the Sun
Why do i find it unsurprising that this video is not about china launching a new sun.
Wow you could put one of those on Mars heat it up since it is further away from the sun than the earth.
Its so hawt
Man made horror beyond comprehension
Are you comedy me??
Helium 3 which is used for fusion powerplant is plenty in lunar surface. Cuz cosmic rays directly hit the lunar surface. Handling helium 3 not dangerous. Moreover it is non radioactive. But this process is expensive. India can't meet the budget. May be other rich countries. These experiments will be a disaster to human being. If anything happens to this wonderful world, who will answer? Can you rebuild our beautiful world. Use bicycle and save the planet.
It better not fall over in Africa, 👀👀👀if things go wrong, if that happens I hope they are prepared to handle the consequences… Looks more like a bulb… Dull lighted bulb
Artificial Sun…..Won't you come……..and Wash Away the RAIN
The real truth, NO ONE on thos planet KNOWS what the Sun is made of or how it stays lite!!!! These.are all theory. Or speculation.
made in china, no one can copy the creation of GOD. They are not God.
Just like the Atlantis, China will cease to exist because of its arrogance
Doesn't China steal more than they "innovate"?
Power house of innovation … no they haven't they steal it and have for decades
too much rethoric and no visual evidence of such an artificial sun
I think many here just have hate for China. This is an amazing accomplishment. China should be proud if this is true
The Chinese is going to blow this earth
Here we go, this is it people China is going to wipe us all out
what a load of rubbish
In theory… China could Nuke the Earth causing years of darkness for … Everyone Except China. As they are able to create their own Sun
So a big explosion
Back of the sun says "Made in China "