China Just LAUNCHED Its Artificial Sun To Show It’s TECHNOLOGICAL POWER!

China has created a replica of the sun using nuclear technology. This development raises concerns about whether China can handle the consequences of such a feat and if there is a possibility of things going wrong. Join us as we delve deeper into the groundbreaking invention of the Chinese sun.

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  1. Helium 3 which is used for fusion powerplant is plenty in lunar surface. Cuz cosmic rays directly hit the lunar surface. Handling helium 3 not dangerous. Moreover it is non radioactive. But this process is expensive. India can't meet the budget. May be other rich countries. These experiments will be a disaster to human being. If anything happens to this wonderful world, who will answer? Can you rebuild our beautiful world. Use bicycle and save the planet.

  2. It better not fall over in Africa, 👀👀👀if things go wrong, if that happens I hope they are prepared to handle the consequences… Looks more like a bulb… Dull lighted bulb

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