Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Tracing: Overdrive Technology Preview on RTX 4090

Path tracing on a triple-A videogame? On THE triple-A videogame? Cyberpunk 2077 already pushed visual boundaries with its psycho ray tracing mode, but the RT Overdrive upgrade takes lighting to the next level. So how does the Technology Preview compare to the standard rasterised version of the game? And how are the visuals improved over the already impressive psycho RT mode? This explainer should fill you in – and suffice it to say we’ve got much more content on the way as we spend more time with the game.

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  1. I just tried doing another playthrough. Still crowds disappear, police do not care about past, police spawn in ur arse etc. But the last straw was dropping through the road into abyss with a car…


  2. The Overdrive RT looks really good except for the super dark shadows. The shadows in some of those scenes gets so dark you can't make any details out in them, they can be like pitch black, and that doesn't seem realistic at all. Just look at the car at the 2:04 mark. Look at how pitch black the car is! It's parked under a pretty good sized street light and you still can't see the side of the car minus just a few details at the front and back. Looks terrible.

  3. It's terrible. 1:33 if this was a real life you would clearly see the cars on the street but here you're pretty much blinded by the light. It's bullshit.

  4. I really hope AMD is also watching this trend shift in graphics, they really need to ramp up RT performance. The way i see it, RT will not only be implemented in reflections but in light, shadows,AO and all other good stuff also. If by then AMD Radeon division is not on par with Nvidia , its graphics division is going to suffer. AMD have some very powerful GPU's and hopefully they will eventually catch up in RT department as-well.

  5. I always thought the game was beautiful but the unrealistic light and shadows, especially no light or shadows cast from all the glowing surfaces really killed the realism for me. This is closer to full, real path tracing and it looks amazing. Time to replay the game.

  6. THE most realistic looking game, and I genuinely don't know where graphics would go from here. This is just insane. It looks genuinely real at all times.

  7. After what the game Unrecord showed us in it's trailer, all these visual improvements in cyberpunk and every other current game looks underwhelming and toy-like. Because it has shown that we have already reached a far higher level in visual technology than what cyberpunk overdrive with its super advanced ray tracing has achieved.

  8. I wasn't expecting a 4070 to be able and pull it off, even the game recommends at least a ti. But at 1440p with dlss balanced it works wonders.

  9. It feels like Lumen+Nanite work way better at making a realistic scene and gets more than 25fps on a 4090 with dlss off.
    DF should make some sort of comparison between the different techs !

  10. how is light decay calculated? i have seen some places where shadows go missing in overdrive mode, complex 4way streeet where car's bottom shadow is just not there, and then next car it is there… i have seen weird stuff like that..

  11. This is exactly what ray tracing should be in all games and if more games become like this, I may actually replace my non-ray traced AMD 5700 XT with an Nvidia RTX 5090 as I imagine it will still be a great pairing with my Ryzen 5950x. My current 5700 XT runs games wonderfully at my 1080p resolution, especially with FSR and the wait for the more powerful 5090 or 80 will be worth it from what I see.

  12. In full hd with overdrive on (i have 4090 suprim x) you can clearly see a little bit aliasing steps. How to enable full antialiasing? Back in 2011 i had gtx 580 and crysis 2 was comletly smooth !

  13. Man, I love rt Overdive. I dropped my max fps down to 20 to be able to play it otherwise maxed out, with DLAA on and I wouldn't have it any other way. Locked at 20 the responsiveness isn't spectacularly quick but it's rock solid on consistency and, personally, I think that motion blur actually looks better at low frame rates. But the light, the light! it looks right, it looks real! I hate video game raster lighting and ray tracing finally fixed all of raster's bs.

  14. The problem here is that scenes are still so dark considering rasterized lighting tends to be much brighter than reality.. real path traced lighting ends up looking great and realistic sure, but man it's just SO DARK I can't imagine trying to actually play the game in darker areas. I imagine artists will compensate for this as RT and PT becomes more common in the next decade

  15. Difference is huge because the max rasterisation of the game sucks. The lightning department of the game was bad. A good lighting department team could have produced near raytracing like lighting if they were willing.

  16. Looking forward to play this on my Pentium II 400mhz, Geforce 2 mx 400 with 32mb vram, 10 gb hdd, and 14 inch monitor. Hoping for a smooth 60 fps experience, maxed out in 4 k. Raytracing on, obviousIy. I live the high life, don't be jealous.

  17. Amazing but it doesn't flatline 60 frames in 4k completely maxed out on an RTX 4090 even with frame generation and dlss lol damn close 55 57 49 an overclocked would probably change those numbers but I don't want to lose my killer stability Ada Lovelace is not a very big fan of overclocking lol

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