do we Lose our technology if a catastrophe happens ?..#elonmusk

In this short video Elon Musk talking on the future of our digital technology is something catastrophic happens.

Elon Reeve Musk FRS is a business magnate and investor. He is the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; owner and CEO of Twitter, Inc.; founder of the Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; and president of the philanthropic Musk Foundation….

Digital data, in information theory and information systems, is information represented as a string of discrete symbols, each of which can take on one of only a finite number of values from some alphabet, such as letters or digits. An example is a text document, which consists of a string of alphanumeric characters. The most common form of digital data in modern information systems is binary data, which is represented by a string of binary digits (bits) each of which can have one of two values, either 0 or 1. Digital data can be contrasted with analog data, which is represented by a value from a continuous range of real numbers. Analog data is transmitted by an analog signal, which not only takes on continuous values but can vary continuously with time, a continuous real-valued function of time. An example is the air pressure variation in a sound wave. The word digital comes from the same source as the words digit and digitus (the Latin word for finger), as fingers are often used for counting. Mathematician George Stibitz of Bell Telephone Laboratories used the word digital in reference to the fast electric pulses emitted by a device designed to aim and fire anti-aircraft guns in 1942. The term is most commonly used in computing and electronics, especially where real-world information is converted to binary numeric form as in digital audio and digital photography.

Technology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way. The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts,  including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software. Technology plays a critical role in science, engineering, and everyday life…

#shorts #short #elonmusk #joerogan #starship #aircraft #rocket #booster #aeroplane #aerodynamic #power #nuclear #electricity #thruster #mars #planets #planet #orbit #spacecraft #spacecraft #spacex #space #nasa #time #journey #discover #entertainment #education #inspiration #sumer #babylonia #ghosttowngames #ghost #aliens #inspirational #astrophysicist #astrophysics #tesla #twiter #jupiter #exploration #egyptian #egypt #digital #catastrophy
#catastrophe #data #history #future #romans #sumarians #babylonia



  1. working in vintage electronics this has all ready come up in places where we cant use any more backwards compatibility. old files and resources not accessible because each new generation of systems abandons old ways…

  2. even if you did put an apple computer in an underground bunker,,, you would still have no infrastructure left,, so we do need more infrastructure on the moon or something,, or mars, maybe elon's right…

  3. Nah bro, Kripto will remain forever until the end of time, because it's enkripted in a krypt, bro! and nobody is able to ever de-Krypt it! Ever! So it's gonna be forevermore a unique string of numbers on the chainblock. Because nobody's gonna be able to copy those numbers, ever! Bro!

  4. there is help: called M°DISK(_TM) from Millenniata or Hitachi-LG Data Storage. Bytes burnt in "stone" 4.7GB_DVD. But the disk itself is only made of polycarbonate, not really incombustible. (as vulnerable as the Mayan Knotted Ropes to invading European Vandals)
    in WorldWarII, Jews, imprisoned in the ghetto, dug some "time capsules" into the ground. Very desperately! In the modern day, the problem is to filter out the junk_data and store valuable, educative, informative data. 5000 years old stone tablets with tables of grain prices or political power squabbles are not really worth the stone now, whilst old math, geology, and astronomy lessons are still astounding!

  5. Welp I guess its time to bring back engravings of all the stuff people do. Time to carve the contents of wikipedia over the walls of the grand canyon for out future posterity

  6. Look at your music and video collection as an example.
    Before digital downloading, what you bought at the video or music store was in your hands. If you lost it, you simply look around and find it. You could lend it around and get it back.

    The greedy Hollywood industry in collusion with manufacturers digital Realm colluded to eliminate all material ownership and replace it with downloads. Once your main Hardware brakes be at a computer or your phone, you now have nothing and no way to ever replace it those downloads are gone forever. You can get banned from the library is still go home to your collection of books and magazines. You can add more with a visit to Barnes & Noble. Now if you are cancelled by the internet, accessed information is gone forever.
    Advanced technology in Egypt and around the world in regard to Precision cutting and drilling? Why do we find artifacts and megalith that are impossible to create without modern machinery? How come we find almost no evidence chiseled in stone explaining the Modern Marvels of the ancient world that are clearly only possible today with our modern technology? I think we just heard the answer. These civilizations reaced a point where they enter a digital realm of their own time. They stopped using Stone to record.
    They started using materials are more technologically advanced but less durable.
    Cassette tapes and DVDs for more advanced than records, but not durable. Books were more advanced and stone tablet, but leave them in an abandoned building, they turn to mush.

    Our ancient ancestors were more advanced than we give them credit for. I believe they Advanced the point of their own 2023 and some nuclear Holocaust or a meteor impact younger dryas or whatever kill the majority of everybody and all knowledge was lost.
    I'm sure a few corrupt powerful people in the ancient world held onto some knowledge , and used it to convince the ignorant they were gods.

    But even that Remnant technology eventually broke down and with no knowledge on how to fix or build anything, mankind reverted to the post Stone Age Dark Ages.

    All these ancient cities are often built on the site of megaliths. We credit Khufu for the great Pyramids, yet you have no hieroglyphics within the pyramids. Everything the Pharaoh built had hieroglyphics and cartouches bearing their names. Yet the pyramids have no hieroglyphics. Pottery from Egypt dating thousands of years before the supposed building the pyramids that clearly depict the pyramids.

    10000 years from now no one in the future will believe the ancient Americans were smart enough to have internet, trains or even airplanes.

  7. But lucky for us everything important is being gathered into the library of Congress. That way for humanity to lose our collective knowledge they’d have to be afraid of historical literature and start bann…


  8. Also makes you wonder what advanced civilizations tech is lost because of the same reason. Maybe the pyramids are missing things that would explain everything. Def not aliens on that one though. Smart citizens can figure that out easily but the rest just follow what's told by non scientific archeologists.

  9. Panndoras box . I made the white storm tropers. I warned you and warned you every way i could for fifty years. I even made spocks ears and the cling-on forhead crap. It might be to late to late for you to wake up and smell the rosees. Ive done the anchient tec research long ago . The demons build it… all but some of us were slaves to the giants . Ive read all the anchients writings since i was 6. I got solar flair shielding nobody wants, even musk, i got tractor beem, antanna that dosnt need expencive sattelits. Oh well nobody ever said humans were smart lol or youll never hear me ssy it. If uou people dont wake up now. Plan B goes into affect. That not good for most . We all chose our own path. I like the narrow path myself its less crowded. And the road is freshly paved

  10. It's definitely a great point worth keeping in mind; However most of the important information IS backed up on paper & stored in underground vaults.

  11. When documentation takes work, you’re careful about what you write. When they dig up the ancient American databanks… I’m embarrassed about what they’ll find.

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