Dr. Steven Greer: Whistleblowers, Extraterrestrial Technology, and War of the Worlds

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Dr. Steven Greer: Whistleblowers, Extraterrestrial Technology, and War of the Worlds



  1. 22:40 It was filmed by Chad Underwood, not Cmdr Fravor tho..
    It was of course also filmed by the E-2 Hawkeye.

    Why not have congress hunt down the 'plaincloth' USAF reps who confiscated all the data from both the Princeton and the Nimitz?
    The dudes would be spotted in a pick-out immediately because multiple people on board saw and interacted with them. 🫡

  2. Those testimonies on Dr. Greer's You Tube are absolutely profound, credible forthright individuals that were around the people, places and occupations to know, if one has doubts watch those and an open thinking mind will have to admit short of seeing it in person, it's proof enough for court to lock someone away, credible witness testimony and military and corporate documentation.

  3. If they lie about a vaccine meant to assist in global depopulation then of course they would lie about aliens. The government has never had the average citizen's best interest at heart, it's always been about enslavement of less fortunate people who pay taxes to keep the elites pockets filled while they all sit back and enjoy life without actually working a hard day of manual labor in their entire life.

  4. Makes you question just how powerful or intelligent these supposed aliens are. They must not care about morals or the common man if they're willingness to work with governments.

  5. Greer is so fake. He just makes crap up. We already know all this. Hes been called out by physicist Hal Puthoff after Greer said they talked. Hal said they never even meet.

  6. Good Lord that boy has on WAY too much make-up. He's all shiny. His crew needs to throw some powder at his face to soak up all that grease!!!

  7. At 50:10 Greer says "Eisenhower called it the spooky effect". He simply misspoke. It was Einstein and he called it spooky action at a distance when referring to quantum entanglement. Greer has previously gotten the name correct; it was a simple flub and shouldn't take away from the message.

  8. Iv always been skeptical about his story about him "briefing" top level government officials. Even Clinton. Why would he breif them. And if hes been to to all these facilities and shown these new technologys, then he'd be doing more politically

  9. LOL…. its impossible to take greer seriously, when all he says is…. me me me me, i i i i i , we we we we we… he's as bad as the people he hates….. and is that other thing dipped in glaze?…🤣

  10. I wish someone would ask Greer if he's aware of any legitimate "abductions". I wonder specifically about Betty and Barney Hill as well as Travis Walton. I think, aside from the absurd movie Fire in the Sky, it's been theorized that Travis was taken because he was inadvertently exposed and injured. They may have been trying to help him if that one was legitimate.

  11. Dr Greer is a government plant 100% just ask yourself why do they go out of their way to shut ppl down and destroy their lives and carers but yet Greer is all over tv and films he claims he "talks to alians" and tells everyone that the us government has secret weapons craft and entities and yet ….nothing………..not a single attempt to silence him why is he so different?

  12. If there are no E.T's never mind the United States can make them up.
    If there be E.T's my dog wants to play.
    For me I just want to play,
    in the backyard with beer and BBQ's.
    Seriously though this gentleman makes a very strong argument and has the intellectual muscle to do so.
    So stop and think you punters as you walk your way.

  13. how old is Dr. Greer today ? I've been watching him for 20 years dealing with many topics relating UFO's in the past and present. I also have had contact with John Lear over the years (RIP John ). getting first had info about many different encounters dealing with past Presidents and people from area 51 mainly Johns friend Mr. Lazar and his encounters. I have had encounters of the first time 3 times in my 84 years starting after the 2nd world war forward to the last sighting in the late 80's. Attended the project Blue at UNLV in the 70's .

  14. Thank you so much for the disclosure,I believe people from all sections are awaking up and work for the upliftment of mankind and advancement of humanity with other civilizations .

  15. Thank God for this man, he has unspeakable courage. I have been following his work for years now. I cant wait to see this weeks conference. This is a great conversation.

  16. I wonder if this is linked to the latest high level whistleblower that just went public a few days ago. Did they know about him beforehand? Is he with Dr. Greeer’s effort? Or did he go out as a lone wolf. Your links don’t work BTW

  17. Human thinks there are othe "extraterrestrial (basicaly) humans" using "(basicaly) electro-mechanic devices" in order to visit this Planet,??? As every electro-mechanics they have "failures" or "bad shieldad" critical parts of propulsion and they sometimes loosing control under strong electro-magnethics radiation??? Or, The Universe is The Greatest living form harbouring other living forms!!! And uses its tools to monitor small scale Worlds!!! And we have funny claims over "UFO" and "Extraterrestrials"!!!!

  18. Greetings Gentlemen! Great article Steven! I always love listening to you speak; you don't mince words, you come with checkable facts. I only got 2 words to think about, "Reverse Magnetics." Peace Gentlemen!

  19. you say if they was hostile wed all be gone but i beg to differ then can be hostile to us but still keep us around to serve a purpose or serve purposes that are benefiting them daily that were not aware of

  20. How is mankind a risk if all they can defend themselves with are ‘clubs’ secondly , who invited these UFO’s to traverse our sky’s and influence and divide our society due to their ‘hide and seek ‘ tactic. Surely there must be rules and laws out there too.

  21. This might sound far fetched but do the UAPS know that we know they are here? Because it is not like they watch You Tube,

    why don't we commutate with them with a massive TV facing the stars and see if they engage the screen. Show them footage of the video we have of them. Because as far as I am aware, we have not actually tried to commutate with these things. Its time to start engaging them to show them we are wanting to communicate with them, the reason they don't engage us is the same reason we don't disturb native tribes, but if the tribe commutated with us in a friendly way then of cause we would commutate back. It is up to us to make the first move!

  22. For future efforts try getting some proof before you blow your cover and start telling everyone with no way to substantiate your claims.

  23. You're basing your belief that the ET's are not hostile on the idea that they are so far advanced they would have no trouble conquering earth. What you're not considering is that there is a God on earth and this Spirit is the most powerful in the entire Universe. This is the reason that the ET's have been reluctant. This Spirit is not the Spirit of the Lord of host or his son Jesus, this is the Spirit of Lucifer and was the Spirit know as the Ancient of days. The ET's have been waiting for the God of the Stars, the Jealous God and Lord of hosts to give the command, which he has not done.
    September 11/2001 was a message from the Lord of hosts that He and His son have lost and all their plans were destroyed, while the God of the earth who is to lead the Army's of man against the Angels won the battle for the new Seal, which is possession. They are a species that possess flesh and takes control of them and that is the meaning of the new Seal. They lost the battle for the flesh of the man with this new Spirit called Lucifer, the Waster, the Spirit of Death.

  24. Greer is so full of shit. Saying he has definite proof that would blow everyone's minds if they put it on the internet, he's not afraid of retaliation, but refuses to share this with the world when that is supposedly his main goal. Like bruh shut the fuck up you're just starting a cult based on your spiritual "methods" of contacting these craft and you want to milk it for all you can. He was on Logan Paul's podcast and showed them an "authentic" photo of a being and it's just a grainy photoshopped "alien" of some sort around their campfire at night. Like come on dude if you really have proof fucking share it like you claim you want to so badly.

    I do believe they're real, and he was actually doing some good when he headed up the disclosure project and gathered all those former or current military officials and etc to come testify in front of congress and push for full disclosure. That was actually good work and when he was doing good shit, but at some point he changed his goal from disclosure to making money off of poor people who want to believe and taking their money.

  25. my favorite part of these whistleblowers is they are purely hear say. no proof just "believe me bro, im honest" we have 4k cellphones yet zero proof? Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Dr. Greer is a CIA operative conducting a psyop afaic until proof is furnished.

  26. How interesting to see the military and the government pointing fingers at each other about the UAPs (UFOs), calling each other “liars”. That usually means there’s something there and one of them is hiding it. Dr. Greer was right. Disclosure is imminent.

  27. Well, even if we get congress and the pentagon to fully investigate these black projects and they uncover everything, the secret operators could just use their ARVs to fight back and there's no way we would win unless the extraterrestrials took our side and helped us.

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