Fan Shines Green Laser at MLB Player #baseball #sports #mlb #foryou



  1. In my country, they did this is soccer, trying to prevent goalkeepers from defending.

    Unfortunately, authorities let this run rampant from game to game, to the point where literally an entire section of the stadium was shining lasers to 'help their team'…

    Today, those lasers are banned from stadiums.

  2. Dog it’s insane just how reckless and dangerous this is. If you’ve ever seen a styropyro video, you know just how easy it is to get lasers with WAY too much power for the inexperienced/immature user, shit that goes way beyond the regulated safety limits. If some jackass does this with some Amazon laser that he didn’t read the labels on, it could very well severely damage someone’s eyesight permanently. Hope homie is set to garnish his wages for life, cus the lawsuit comin at you for fucking blinding somebody is gonna be hefty as shit

  3. If only baseball stadiums had cameras pointed everywhere, they would have been able to identify the culprit. This should have gone beyond the umpires; this was battery.

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