Great pickups, seeing those switch games that you got is kinda making me want to start collecting for the switch but man majority of the RPGs on there are 30-40$ on average. Switch games rarely drop in price.
Awesome pick ups Gackt!! Can’t go wrong with free that’s for sure lol. Kinda funny you picked up trinity trigger, I actually just ordered that a few weeks ago and started playing it the other night! Great game so far I highly recommend you give it a go! Anyway great pick ups like usual and keep em coming my dude!!
Dang i never see summon night, thats a great find. Snatch all those switch jrpgs that are exclusive they'll get expensive to buy later down the road. Tf am i saying u already know this lol
Yea that three hopes you got is the Warriors style one is developed by omega published by KT in Japan, but Nintendo published it for everywhere else. I hear lofi Naruto in the background
Like we were talking about PS4-5, switch and believe it or not Xbox one/series is where to collect. We would be the ones closest to a complete collection cause most of these mf are slipping by collecting that old shit. Complete collections are impossible in 2023 without money…plus all that shit is being remastered and also who the f would want old systems and wires laying around all over the place with tons of systems that suck power and increase your power bill…to me it’s pointless…regardless thanks for the name drop in title, much respect…and the big package should be there Friday.
Damn I miss the buy two get one
Gackt Cognac dunkin on them fools!
I must have missed the video. How did the 'free' games thing work? Was it a buy 2 get 1 promotion where you just return the ones you paid for?
Are you from The Bay?
Great pickups, seeing those switch games that you got is kinda making me want to start collecting for the switch but man majority of the RPGs on there are 30-40$ on average. Switch games rarely drop in price.
Bro that intro music is straight

pimp shit my dude
Been selling off some stuff in my collection, I put napkins in the cases like that so the disc doesn’t come loose and rattle around in the case lol
Oh man….a sealed Bullet Storm……such a great game.
Great pick ups.
I recognize that Fry’s price tag right away. RIP to my favorite electronics store.
Awesome pick ups Gackt!! Can’t go wrong with free that’s for sure lol. Kinda funny you picked up trinity trigger, I actually just ordered that a few weeks ago and started playing it the other night! Great game so far I highly recommend you give it a go! Anyway great pick ups like usual and keep em coming my dude!!
If you could do a tutorial on ironing inserts, that would be dope! I got a copy of Armored Core For Answer that has a wrinkled up insert.
Dang i never see summon night, thats a great find. Snatch all those switch jrpgs that are exclusive they'll get expensive to buy later down the road. Tf am i saying u already know this lol
Yea that three hopes you got is the Warriors style one is developed by omega published by KT in Japan, but Nintendo published it for everywhere else. I hear lofi Naruto in the background
Also Felicia looking magnifiqué on that evolution case btw. *Chef's kiss. Also need to cop that trinity trigger soon.
2 jealous stay at mothers basement jack off azz mf disliked this video
Yoo that background music thoo, what is it?
Agony Dont Work On Xbox One Or Xbox Series S/X
Like we were talking about PS4-5, switch and believe it or not Xbox one/series is where to collect. We would be the ones closest to a complete collection cause most of these mf are slipping by collecting that old shit. Complete collections are impossible in 2023 without money…plus all that shit is being remastered and also who the f would want old systems and wires laying around all over the place with tons of systems that suck power and increase your power bill…to me it’s pointless…regardless thanks for the name drop in title, much respect…and the big package should be there Friday.
Stealing games from the library and trading them in is wild lol
great video bro!
The king is back

Mark 1:15
…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.
I am so glad that I discovered you. Best gaming channel shout out to Oakland