Future technology ‘will TAKE jobs out of the marketplace!’ | Steve Wells

Steve Wells joins Bev Turner to discuss if digital technology is leaving society behind.

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  1. I'm 100% with you Bev!
    When I was a kid, some bright sparks used to call me Tomorrows World, coz I would always go on about what the latest tech was, I no longer look forward to Tomorrow, I love tech, but the way it's being misused and abused to control people, makes my skin crawl!

  2. I won't use any shop that demands I d/l an app to enter or shop, or have to use an app for payment. Same goes for the new parking apps councils are bringing in.

  3. That Steve is part of the problem. I work for a discount retailer and our website is simply an info one. If you want to shop you have to come to our stores and browse and buy. We do not track or log anyone. Our local Tesco has replaced loads of manned tills with 'Trolley Self Service'. Half the time it does not work properly, and the other half it is closed. Dystopian future is where we are heading. I LOVE walking hard and to stores. I use Amazon yes as we no longer have the stores that have their stuff! In part the retail parks started this off. We should have seen it coming!!!

  4. There's choice until there is no choice. And as said automation is cheaper than people and 100% supermarkets are going to go for the most profitable route. This guest just doesn't see the future. He probably thinks that politicians work for us and our best interests too.

  5. People like this guy are the reason this stuff gets set in place and spreads. Oh its only a few stores, oh its only another app with your bank details and personal information. To its in all stores and you cant buy food and water unless you do as your told. Human beings wont be moved into new jobs they will just be removed. That new community service will be you work or you dont eat in the future but you get a basic UBI so woop dee do. Then comes the spread of MAID for the useless eaters they dream about.

  6. And it will trace the tax evaders who hide their wealth. The media are not concerned for your jobs, theyre the mouthpiece of the wealthy who will be affected by AI discovering their hidey holes.

  7. Technology has been taking jobs from people for hundreds of years. The real issue is that those who lose out are the lower IQ people – people who in the past could get a job in agriculture or industry – they're absolutely stuffed now. The higher IQ people will always do better. This issue needs to be understood.

  8. I look of UBI as redistributing the wealth generated by machines among the population and poor rather than the wealth generated going to the 1% and creating an even larger wealth gap. Almost like a stipend, an agreement that a certain percentage of all wealth created with automation is equally distributed among the population. If less than an extreme percentage, so definitely under 90%, it will still leave motivation and innovation for highly skilled and highly entreprenuerial people to make money and and become rich and thus nothing like communism!

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