1. bbbyq is the play. You are very silent on bed bath buybuy baby acquisiton, carve out. the place to make big money gains right now is bbbyq, not gme. you are RC GME zealot but hate bbby, yet ignore Ryans' like for bed bath and buy buy baby.

  2. RC shit the bed. All of his hires that he brought on have been failures. The nft marketplace has been a disaster. GME since its January 2021 pop has been nothing but a falling knife. It's OK to like a stock but when ur so blind to reality & refuse to acknowledge ANY of the companies failures than ur just lying to urself. It's amazing EVERYTHING that happens is a positive in ur eyes. I mean u never criticize anything GME does, u just act like it's great. That's not balanced rational reporting/coverage. How can u be able to sniff out all the other MeMe scams but are so blinded by GME. Guess u never think ur own child is the ugly duckling 🧹🧹🧹

  3. Yah he sure is entitled…to that large some of cash GME is holding.

    What do you think corporate raiders are about? Oops, I mean “activist investor.” ✌🏽😂

  4. What's Gamestops' plan? No forward guidance in 3 years. Firing the CEO is not a good sign. Keep on pumping hopium to your followers. Lol

  5. I’ll be very happy watching AMc hit ATH while this loser keeps pumping Gamestop. The chickens have come home to roost. Mock AMC more, loser.

  6. Popcorn is pissing on retail and telling us it's raining by STEALING 90% of OUR SHARES and then to throw salt in the wound he WANTS to give us 1 for 7 of the SHARE'S he STOLE in the first place💩🥴🤦🏿‍♂️🙆🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

  7. You know you’re doing something right when you have haters taking time out of their own day, to leave nonsense comments on your channel. Keep doing what you do Marantz. You might be early, but you’re not wrong.

  8. I guess karma came and bit you in the azz talking shyt about other stocks. It doesnt feel good does it. GME has less foot traffic than AMC theatres but Keep pumping a stock that over charges for their products and worthless NFT's. Gamestop can't stop won't stop Gamestop…man this Costco wine got me feeling nice!

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