Get Out of Binance Now! Jobless Claims Surge, GameStop Tanks

The SEC is on a mission to kill crypto and Binance is their primary target. Revelations hidden in court filings made public yesterday suggests they have everything they need to do so. Elsewhere initial jobless claims surged despite last week’s “sizzling” jobs report. GameStop stock is in freefall after firing their CEO and cancelling their earnings call. And the NorthEast continues to choke, with more airport closures today.

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#Binance #GameStop #Jobs



  1. I cant believe GameSpot is still open! As in, I thought it would've folded 5 years ago! I never shop there, ever. Haven't since they opened! Local small game stores much better IMO.

  2. I run a landscape company in the DFW market. We service about 1,175 residential clients. Lawn mowing is our biggest source of revenue. Shrub trimming & cleanup is the big ticket discretionary item we sell. Demand dropped off a cliff about 3 weeks ago… in line with the expiration of the expiration of the pandemic emergency.

    Talked to an irrigation guy yesterday, he's been in the business nearly 20 years also. I thought he'd be recession proof. Nope. He's dead too. He's getting calls on homes where the home owner tried to do it themselves but gave up and called him. He never sees that when the economy is fine.

  3. Bit ponz scam tulip mania 2.0 digital illusions of wealth pushed by the system to make sure we are left holding a bag of nothing after the great reset

  4. All monopolies are granted and defended by government action. Banks, insurance, health, pharma all have barriers to entry enacted by government: registration, permits, approvals, licenses.
    Monopolies can be very profitable… but there is one EVEN MORE profitable way to use and abuse government power! Create regulations building walled gardens for some… and then allow ONE rouge agent to act free from regulatory burden! Build a henhouse to steal the eggs… and then allow ONE fox to run freely inside the henhouse.

    Enter SBF..It is one thing to be protected from competition .. and another thing to be protected from prosecution .

    The SEC has always had the reach, mandate and standing to regulate crypto. They did not do it in a timely manner because it was very profitable to captured legislative people running cover for the exchanges. This is corruption and regulatory capture done in the open, for all to see…WITH IMPUNITY

    Power is not about money or wealth. Money can be printed and wealth can be confiscated.
    Power is about impunity: having an island to do unspeakable things… having illegal exchanges….mandating medication…breaking any and all rules… knowing you will not be held accountable.

  5. Big banks shutting down crypto 🀑

    They will not take your bitcoins but they will change the value on them to $0 and this is the reason you want gold because the banking system sucks!

  6. Treasury hit the Market with 350 billion in two days and "Da Market" just shrugged it off. Where's the Money coming from ? Obviously 350 billion is small change now. The "US economy" is one huge scam.

  7. The smoke from just simple forest fires have emited more CO2 than all north American vehicle's would emit in 40 years and they think electric cars are going to curb CO2. Side note: forest fires are normal and are down 1000% in the last 120 years, since CO2 has been rising. Not the other way round. CO2 is a main ingredient of most Fire Extinguishers. More Oxygen, more burn.

  8. Fud fud fud after fud.
    Binance has proof of reserves, and the big nose tribe is after binance because it actually has a shot at taking a seat next to the big banks cabal.
    Binance US is indeed a piece of crap, that's why you should be using binance instead of binance US.

    Also you've been calling for a crash for months, can't you see? The economy != the market, we are going to meltup, congress will bail out at the top banning it from investing, and the common fools are going to be trapped in the crash that comes later… Problem is that you're keeping poor folk out of the market NOW, which is just as bad as keeping them IN when the crash actually happens.

    Flip bullish now, because the economy is going to burn.

  9. Forest fire smoke in the northeast/mid Atlantic region has a similar impact to a moderate snow in lower west coast elevations. Its relatively infrequent and everyone is befuddled on how to deal with it! Conversely, we're used to dealing with and continuing to operate when the event locations are reversed. Lol… humans have difficulty adapting to that which they rarely experience. I've experienced both, having lived in the Philly/NYC area for 8 years, and being from and again now living in the Pacific NW. Deal with folks… it will pass! πŸ˜…

  10. It's alarming that jobless claims are rising before the summer where there should be large amounts of at least part time summer work.

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