I Don’t Think CNBC Likes Ryan Cohen || GameStop Update || GME Stock, GME Earnings

I Don’t Think CNBC Likes Ryan Cohen || GameStop Update || GME Stock, GME Earnings

Last night, the night before GameStop reports earnings, CNBC aired a piece entitled “Making of the Meme King” – a documentary about Ryan Cohen. This documentary talked about Ryan Cohen’s success as an entrepreneur, while at the same time bashing him as the “pied piper of Wall Street.” Basically, someone would bash Ryan Cohen, then have their claims contradicted, and after being contradicted, continue to bash Ryan Cohen and any of the success that he or GameStop has had. The documentary insinuated that Ryan Cohen was misleading investors when he bought a stake in BBBY stock and then sold his stake in the company. However, this does not appear to be an accurate assessment of Ryan Cohen. This information is important for individual retail investors who have rallied behind GameStop and GME stock in order to rescue the company from malicious short selling by large institutions on Wall Street. This information is also important for the entire stock market as a whole, as individual investors continue to stand up for a free, fair, and transparent stock market for all investors.

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  1. what a witch she is. Why does cnbc not bash Raytheon or Lockheed? Companies that make weapons of death. but no, it attacked a small game company and bed bath, home retail company, People need to wake up.

  2. Melisa and everyone on that tv channel are whores for the banks. PERIOD. Its time we stop acting like the media is good and bad. Its all bad. They are the attack dog for the banks.

  3. no one talks about how last quarter was the xmas quarter, which historically is going to be a profitable quarter for a game company. no shit this quarter is gonna be a bit lower. long term, i am glad they are cutting costs so successfully to reposition themselves.

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