I’m not a sports mom but I try my best #parenting #momlife #parents #moms #parentingtips



  1. a thing my mum and i have is "i recognize that im disproportionately upset about this, can you help me calm down and/or not take my attitude personally?" and its helped a lot. sometimes the feelings DONT feel disproportionate until we talk them over, and sometimes even then we realise that they arent, and thats ok too

  2. I’m seriously going to bookmark this channel for when I have kids. You are such an amazing and understanding parent. I love all your techniques and I wish all parents were as patient as you.

  3. How do you teach this to the kids? I know a couple parents who are struggling with kids who get angry often and are quite reactive when they do. I know they're trying gentle parenting, and when I have kids, I'd like to use these methods, too. Any tips?

  4. My third son has trouble regulating his emotions, and is diagnosed with ODD. It can be very overwhelming when he flies into a rage because I feel so bad that he’s struggling so much, and it absolutely kills my momma heart when he’s finally done, and he cries because he feels so bad afterwards. Your reels have helped me come up with better ways to communicate with him, and have helped me remember to keep my cool and stay calm so I can help him talk through it. You are an amazing mother with such a sweet heart, and I just want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to share these with us. You’re a Godsend to a lot of us out there struggling to communicate effectively with our younger children, especially the ones that have trouble regulating their emotions. I come back to your videos daily for ideas on how to help my sweet 9 year old boy that’s struggling. Thank you for sharing your stories with us 😊

  5. You have a great relationship with your kids. You are willing to admit that you are not great at sports and that’s ok. They are willing to admit that they are upset and you let them know that that’s ok too. Very few kids or adults have that kind of relationships. In fact, it’s very refreshing to hear that it is possible to love like that. It’s way too rare these days.

  6. Im still learning to drop my perfectionism when needed. For example, in order to draw sometimes if I don’t like it I still need to continue to learn but it’s hard because the imperfections stress me outtt

  7. I am devastated by the fact that the child in this video is exponentially better at dealing with her feelings than i am and my poor son has to learn from me 😢

  8. Huh. Just the other day my 5 year old said the words (very similar to your kids words) “I’m feeling angry inside my brain”. I hadn’t thought of that way, but you’re exactly right.. she’s learning to identify and deal with those feelings. Kids are freaking amazing.

  9. I love the "angry and okay" ❤
    And i also love the "i'm bad at this but i'm trying". Kids often appreciate when we're not as good at stuff as them and THEY can teach US!

  10. YEEEES, baseball, not SOFTball!!! My sister would always be belittled for doing baseball and not softball. There are girls' swim teams, basketball teams, volleyball teams… Why the hell not girls' BASEBALL?! It doesn't have to be frickin' co-ed, but if women can compete with each other in WRESTLING, then, for Pete's sake, they can frickin' run the same size field and throw the same size balls used in baseball. It's one of the things that STILL hasn't caught up with the times, and it drives me CRAZY.

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