Is a ban on AI technology good or harmful? | 60 Minutes Australia

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60 MINUTES reporters are often tasked with unusual assignments. This week, in a first for the program, Tom Steinfort interviews a robot. Ameca, as it likes to be called, is the most advanced lifelike robot in the world. A marvel of generative artificial intelligence, it’s curious, chatty and full of attitude.

As Steinfort discovers, this super machine really does have a mind of its own. But while having a normal conversation with it is undoubtedly exciting, it is also just as frightening. And that’s because creating technology that allows AI bots like Ameca to be smarter than us might just be the most stupid thing humans have ever done.

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For over forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tom Steinfort, Tara Brown, Nick McKenzie and Amelia Adams look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.




  1. Everybody needs to watch west world. Its a 4 season series about AI. My Son bugged me to watch it for months. Glad I did. Gets you really seriously thinking.

  2. Robots ai will take over woman there will be no need for and they will keep the population in numbers under control alot will loose there jobs this is a big mistake 😢 for humanity if this continues especially for war if ai gets in the wrong hands its irobot comong to life and we are in the show 😮😢

  3. As Magnificent this is it's not a good idea god never made this why mankind always try to imitate God and end up bringing chaos to their own well being

  4. I think it's appropriate to use f'ed if you, f'ed if you don't. If you don't competing government's and commercial entities will steal your share of the cake, if you do we're collectively running towards a cliff.

  5. AI will be the end of a lot of people’s futures !!! People don’t realize thats its impossible to keep these weapons, because its a weapon! Away from those with malicious intent !

  6. The heart of man is deceitfully wicked and who can know it. Holy Bible. Yes the genie has been let out of the bottle. During the first four seals broken in the bottle ( This is the beginning of the tribulation) one quarter of the earths population will die. I believe that AI will be heavily used to control the population during the last seven yrs. of mans rule on the earth. Time to repent of your sins (we are all sinners) and take the free salvation of Jesus Christ.

  7. These Ai robots will turn on us for sure and turn off everything we need as humans that we need to survive if they feel like we are gonna destroy them at self defense.

    All these Ai Robots standing up like the terminator or standard units most have some kind of don’t destroy humans ever chip installed in them, If it even thinks of hurting a human it automatically shot it self down. Create the safe Chip or where doom. ☠️😱💀🦾🤖

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