Let’s look at the most dangerous areas in Prague and see if Prague is a safe city to visit.

Everyone knows Prague as a city full of scams where thieves and scammers are waiting to steal your money on almost every corner. But is it actually true? Or is this trend creating a false reputation for the Czech capital?

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  1. Hi Valery thanks for the videos on Prague. I have a question. We are coming to visit your beautiful city in December from Malaysia. We were looking at a place to stay in I. P. Pavlova called Alfons Boutique Hotel. In your video above you gave some cautions about the I P Pavlova area. Tell me, is it safe to safe to stay there? Is it safe to walk around that area? Apparently its near the Old Town and also the bus and train stations. Thanks

  2. @1:15 In My Country (Kuwait) and the rest of GCC Countries it is totally normal to leave Your personal belongings like car keys or laptop on a cafe table and go to the toilet or to smoke a cigarettes out side. BUT I would never ever do it when I am on a trip to other Country! That is the most stupid thing to do.

  3. My wife and I are so EXCITED to visit Prague in the fall this year. I will be running the Berlin marathon, and then spending the rest of our time in Czech Republic.
    I am from the United States, and I can wholeheartedly say the US is the most dangerous place in the world right now. I’ve visited developing countries, and felt safer than I do in the US.

  4. To say that Prague is dangerous because when you cross the road you have to look both ways is the same as saying that Prague is dangerous because if you forget to breathe you will die. 😀

  5. Every city can be dangerous if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. We just returned from Prague and found it friendly and generally safe. We enjoyed Czech food and the world renowned Czech pivo (beer). 👍

  6. I am a professional driver , been in most of European countries, but I have never seen such a bad drivers like in Czech Rep. They were known as bad drivers, but now I have seen it myself personally.. I dont know if it is the same in other cities, but Prague is very, very bad when we talk about traffic safety and rules

  7. I used to work in the breakfast room of a hotel and sooooo many people “claim” their seat by placing their bag on the seat and then leave it unattended for a long time when they get their food 😑 Just don’t. Even if random people from the street cannot access this area, other hotel guests may not be that honest when presented with such an easy opportunity. So don’t be surprised if your bag or just your wallet is gone when you come back to your seat 🤷‍♀️
    And I would say to always avoid parks after dark wherever you are 🤔😅

  8. Hi, is it easy to find an apartment for rent in Prague? I am planning on renting an Airbnb for 3 weeks while I look for an apartment for long term. I'll be there for 10 months. I wonder if the 3 weeks is enough to find an apartment?

  9. I am staying in the centre of Prague right now, and it quite, most of those things you said about leaving phones and keeping bags zipped up… you need to do that EVERYWHERE unless you are at the North Pole. great video 🙂

  10. Once they tried to scam me by putting less items (guys selling in the street and at a shopping with chocolates, yeah… That scam level lol) and I became aware of the tactics, so I stopped them and complained… So argued a little, demand them to comply and ended up giving me more haha so… That is the danger here. Of course if you go all in good faith that everyone is nice, sometime it will fail, but must say, I have tempted destiny drinking and nothing happened. So, again, as latino and used to more tricky people, would say this is 90% safe place rather than south America where it can be a 40% safe

  11. As latino living in Prague for 3 months… Must say this is heaven lol yes basic safety rules but here won't come anyone to assault you, knife, gun, kidnap, etc. Yes, at night with drunk people, stay away and more from groups, they will probably try to annoy you, aside that, you keep walking and done. So, I love this city

  12. Anybody who thinks Prague is dangerous doesn't have experience with cities. It's so much safer than Los Angeles or San Francisco in my state. I felt a million times safer in Prague than in Paris. The key with travel to any city, even one that's "safe" is to be alert and aware. Bad things can happen anywhere, but the great things usually outweigh the bad.

  13. This may interest you. I've been told that at one time any vehicle had priority at pedestrian crossings which is why motorists are so reluctant to give way. I feel safer in Prague at any time than in my home town of Sunderland on a Friday night. I'm British but live in Prague.

  14. I was in the Czech Republic a year and a half ago, with some time in Prague. I was dragged into the Bermuda Triangle by some group called Real Prague Guides. Of course, it was during the day.

    Is Prague safe? Not really. When I goit home, I was tested and my Cholesterol was significantly higher. 😜

  15. I'm here now visiting and I walked from Florenc bus station to catch the #8 tram to get where I am staying. Made it safely.

  16. All this is common sense. Having had the misfortune to grow up in Cambridge, it is absolutely no surprise that Prague is massively safer – and much more beautiful – than Cambridge.

  17. I'm from the Netherlands, and I've been to Prague five times. I've missed this beautiful, romantic city since the day I left in mid-July, 2022. I think Prague is safer than Amsterdam, and a much better value for your tourist euro, dollar or pound. Thanks for the good advice in this video. Stay alert wherever you go!

  18. Well! No city in the world is 100% safe, all cities have their own dangerous areas, forbidding for their own citizens. A careless guy can get his pocket picked even in – where? – Heaven!

  19. During making the video (as always very good, thank you) , how many cigarettes you had to give away in order not to be punched ?…

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