1. They may very well be, but only for elites… There is a completely different agenda for the rest of us and it Cleary doesn't involve "increasing human happiness".

  2. Eugenics and transhumanism are two distinct concepts that deal with the improvement of human traits and abilities. While both share a common goal of enhancing human potential, they differ significantly in their methods, principles, and ethical implications.


    Eugenics is a social philosophy that advocates for the improvement of human genetic traits through selective reproduction. It gained prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and has been criticized for its associations with unethical practices and ideologies. Eugenics can be divided into two categories:

    1. *Positive eugenics*: Encouraging individuals with desirable genetic traits to reproduce, with the aim of increasing the frequency of those traits in the population.
    2. *Negative eugenics*: Discouraging or preventing individuals with undesirable genetic traits from reproducing, with the aim of decreasing the frequency of those traits in the population.

    Eugenics has been criticized for its potential to lead to discrimination, forced sterilization, and even genocide. Many of its ideas and practices were discredited after World War II due to their association with the policies of Nazi Germany.


    Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the ethical use of technology to enhance human physical and mental capabilities. It supports the idea that humans can and should use scientific advancements to overcome biological limitations, such as aging, disease, and cognitive restrictions. Transhumanism is not focused on reproduction or genetic manipulation but rather on using technology to augment human capabilities.

    Some key concepts and technologies associated with transhumanism include:

    1. *Cognitive enhancement*: The use of drugs, brain-computer interfaces, or other methods to improve mental abilities like intelligence, memory, and creativity.
    2. *Life extension*: The pursuit of treatments and technologies to extend human lifespan and improve health in old age.
    3. *Morphological freedom*: The idea that individuals should have the freedom to modify their bodies as they see fit, including through the use of prosthetics, gene therapy, or other technologies.

    Transhumanism is often seen as a more ethical and inclusive approach to human enhancement compared to eugenics, as it focuses on voluntary, individual choices and does not involve coercive policies or discrimination based on genetic traits.

    In summary, eugenics focuses on improving human genetic traits through selective reproduction, while transhumanism advocates for the use of technology to enhance human physical and mental capabilities. Eugenics has a controversial history, while transhumanism offers a more ethical and inclusive vision for human enhancement.

  3. Eugenics and transhumanism are two different movements:


    • Focused on improving the human population by controlling breeding and reproduction. The goal was to promote certain traits considered desirable while reducing traits considered undesirable.

    • Popular in the early 20th century, but discredited after the Nazi eugenics programs of World War 2. Most modern societies consider eugenics unethical and a violation of human rights.

    • Relied on selective breeding and sterilization to influence population genetics.


    • Aims to improve the human condition through advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and genetics. The goal is to enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.

    • Transhumanists believe that new technologies can be applied safely and ethically to improve human lives. They see technology as a means to overcome human limitations and "enhance" human capabilities.

    • Focuses on radical life extension, using AI and biotech to delay or eliminate aging and significantly extend the human lifespan. Also interested in boosting human intelligence and optimizing the human experience through technology.

    • Relies on new tools like CRISPR gene editing, brain-computer interfaces, and advanced AI systems. Does not advocate controlling human reproduction or breeding.

    • An active intellectual and cultural movement that promotes the responsible use of technology to improve the human condition. Sees technology and science as broadly compatible with human values and ethics.

    So in summary, while eugenics aimed to shape human genetics by controlling reproduction, transhumanism aims to improve the human condition through the responsible development of advanced technologies that enhance human lives. Eugenics is largely considered unethical, while transhumanism advocates the ethical use of technology to increase human capabilities and longevity.

  4. When will we realize for good, that we are creaters, not Creator, and as creaters we have physical and mental limits by design or default. Those limits must be respected so that we do not monkey with things we do not understand and never will. If we ignore that, we will destroy the wonderful home the God, the Creator, built for us.

  5. You and Harari are delusional 😢Nothing in WEF agenda is noble and nothing is for bettering humanity, 😢 all is about transfer of wealth, eugenics and control😢of humanity

  6. The assumption that we are superior and can see the big picture that nature can, is our critical error.
    To grow and survive you can't strive to eliminate the resource systems that create us (nature, universe whatever name you give it) without knowing how they work and we are no where near that.

  7. This isn't true about Harari. Harari wants to replace humans with robots and AI, or at least integrate and connect humans with technology. The other thing he wants is for most people to die off because they are useless, and to have a world ruled by oligarchs.

  8. Believe In Jesus who died and rose for your sins!!❤

    “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  9. But we do live forever through our kids and their kids.Human rase doesn't need this morbid creepy ideas of narcissist old men scared of death .And why they deserve to take spase on this earth forever denying spase for new generation as it should be. Pathetic.

  10. Thats not really what he said though, he listed many options of what possible outcomes there could be, he never said this was what he wantednto happen, just listing whats on the table but each being variable massively

  11. Satan is the father of lies, and you have bought into it. For it is appointed for man to die once and then comes judgement. Seeing your age, I would guess you haven't got long to change your mind and repent. Harrari is demon possessed.

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