1. A carefully crafted distraction to the public. To obtain more federal funding. And control public discourse. Otherwise the population could start taking about being sistematically robbed by their government.

  2. Something is off.
    This seem very strange.
    I can't quite put my finger on it yet but . . .
    It's not the subject.
    it's the way this particular account is presented.
    . . . .

  3. This guy seems like he is spewing B.shit ! All here say , nothing first person , he' s shaking his head to muxh ! He' s lying although i wish also it was true 😅😊

  4. Joe, syop or not, it's all factual truth, brother! We need to get past all this he saw she saw he said she said and accept the fact that these people are real and they have been coming here a long time.

  5. Until we can get on with each other and accept the differences amoungst our own race.
    Why would any intergalactic species interact with us when we would have to clearly be able to accept differences at the maximum level?
    "The perversity of the Universe tends to a Maximum"
    We've known this for a while yet.
    Here we are.
    Still a bunch of fucking dickheads.

  6. As soon as that man mentioned the word "unethical" in that interview, you know it's not a syop. No fuckin way! The feds are never gonna shoot themselves in the foot like that. That man better have some heavy security and fast. Please pardon my French.

  7. So the government hides Alien information they are lying. The government slowly opens up that we’re not alone they are lying? Dam if you do,dam if you don’t 🤦🏽‍♀️

  8. the most suspicious part of all of this is the fact that he came out on news nation. who the hell is that and just like joe said why the hell wouldnt he reach out to be on here? or fox at the least.

  9. Disclosure happened long ago. Does no one remember The Disclosure Project in May of 2001? Also many governments besides the US have released information regarding aliens. Also hundreds of people have told their stories of abduction. Why do so many people need for the government to tell us before they believe.

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