Lost Spiritual Technologies Discovered In Egyptian Temples | Mehcad Brooks

I didn’t want to go to Egypt. In fact, I was dead set against it. And then while doing ayahuasca with Matias De Stefano, he downloaded a prophecy. A brother of African descent and a brother of Hebrew descent needed to travel the initiatic path up the nile together. Well it just so happened that Mehcad (actor & musician) is of African descent and already had a boat trip booked on the Nile. And I am his brother of Hebrew descent. So I had to go… And we were nowhere near ready for what happened. What unfolded for both Mehcad and I  was absolutely astounding.
Thanks to the help of Matias we were able to discover and unlock latent spiritual technology within ourselves and within the temples and pyramids of Egypt that shifted the paradigm of what we believe to be possible in this existence. This is a wild and vulnerable trip report, and we offer it with the utmost gratitude to anyone who chooses to go on the journey with us.

00:00- Intro
2:40- Matias De Stefano & The Temple Of Kom Ombo
23:22- The Temple of Isis
29:30- The Temple of Horus
1:02:07- The Temple Of Karnak
1:09:02- The Temple of Hathor
1:38:11- The ‘Osireion’ Temple At Abydos
2:04:27-The Pyramids & The King’s Chamber
2:32:50- the most powerful experience of my life
2:29:46- The Journey Home
2:40:25- All In For All Life & The Revolution Of Consciousness

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Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
The Aubrey Marcus Podcast brings in world-class guests from the fields of athletics, health, business, fitness, science, relationship and spirituality, and asks them to open up about the failures and successes that define their wisdom and character.
Follow me on social to keep up with the latest, and meet many of the incredible guests we’ve been honored to have on the show.



  1. WOW !! Just wow.. this was an amazing story & a great reminder that the magic is closer to us all than we think.
    It did crack me up tho having connected with Matais since Initiation & all his paths thereafter & knowing his amazing abilities,was great to hear your reactions & stories ❤ mind blowing 😂

  2. Love the refections and the brotherhood. Thank you for sharing your truth about the Consciousness Revolution. That really spoke to me.

  3. Too bad you couldn't experience this trip with your full intelligence with NO chemicals in your brain outside of your own you can generate if you knew how. That would have been more useful to you and to those who listened to this.

  4. Man, Mehcad is an entertaining guest and an awesome story-teller! I really enjoyed hearing of his experiences in Egypt. It's wasn't at all surprising to hear he found a past life connection to Egyptian society through the trances, because as I was looking at him tell these stories I couldn't help but think to myself how his face features and complexion resembles the sculptures and hieroglyphics of Egyptian royalty and people. The trip to Egypt sounds like the trip of a lifetime and one that was destined to happen.

  5. I could listen to this conversation for untold more hours. 3 of the best hours I have ever spent. I used to make a fist thumb inside as a child also. Thanks for the reminder. All in for All life. I am with it.

  6. Thank you all for this! I got chills listening to some of your experiences. I have had a few of the same experiences, which really kept me tuned in. I could have listened to 3 more hours of your journeys and experiences. If you ever decide to bring your listeners on one of your trips back to Egypt, please count me in!!!

  7. I’m KNOW there were many more than 4 of us who were blessed with this knowledge all the way to the end! The consciousness revolution is happening all around me and my tribe, thank you guys so much for constantly expanding my reality. The birds tweet louder these days 😊

  8. Its so beautiful to hear people talk about the sort of experiences I can relate to on my own journey into 'behind the veil'. I REALLY appreciate you both sharing these potent journeys and Im really grateful. My lif has recently taken a turn and has been requiring me to be in the regular world , in the mundane. I knew I have had to do that but theres a risk of getting stuck there. Thanks for reminding me that maybe I dont have to get stuck there. that somehow , some way there must be a way back.

  9. Mattias is not a Messiah, no matter how much he would like us to think he is. The LA lot have been obsessed with him for some time now and it isn't making any of them more authentic

  10. Thank you for your honesty in sharing what is a part of our greater nature. Nothing you said sounded anything but natural to those of us outside of limiting programs. And koodos, it takes a strong heart field to allow your mind to crack and your soul to drive❤

  11. I love this! I just feel the audio is mixed too much in the low range and is missing mids and highs making it difficult to understand clearly at some points, specially for non native speakers! Just my 5 cents 😊

  12. One of the best 3 hours of my life, thank you for sharing all this experiences guys, they hold many important information that made me more conscious about myselff, it really felt as an ayahuasca trip hahaha

  13. Thank you guys for sharing this conversation ❤❤
    I watched it all in one sitting because I was really in it!

    What you said about surrendering to the pain and bringing awareness to it so that the pain becomes a sensation that you observe… This is something I intuited early when I would have really painful menstrual cramps (doesn't happen often) but when it did, I would resist the urge to reach for pain medication but instead surrender to it and observe the sensation as heat. Really intense heat that would make me break out in cold sweats but it eventually transmuted into something else. The sacredness of being with my experience fully.

    This entire conversation really resonated. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Soo good 🤩🙌🏼 I have a massive spiritual entourage of power animals including six light dragons so I totally dig this conversation 🤍 makes me want to go back to Egypt ✨🦄💃🏻

  15. On this topic, I had a recurring memory/dream when I was younger about this time. I was a slave/servant, I think. But young. Maybe 14 or so. I remember walking in front of an obelisk and facing it, so the left was a government building or 'temple' where the 'priests' and sometimes Ahknaten was staying. He wasn't there in this dream. Only a few government workers. To the right was sort of a town square with lots of people running around.
    I remember standing there listening to the people. And they were talking about how they didn't like him(he new Pharoah) because he wasn't one of them. It was an outrage, in fact, to them. He was changing things and he wasn't even one of them. I remember they didn't know where he came from. But he wasn't of the old gods, or the old Pharoahs. And then I remember staring up at the tip of the obelisk and the Sun off to the side, and thinking why not. It's always been the same, so why not have one god. It made more sense to me.
    But I admit, I did have some 'Nationalist' or 'Specist' pride about this non-human being in charge of my home. And I knew the priests were pissed when they had been there, but they didn't talk to me/us. We were just servants. And then I wake up. I had the same dream annually for years, and then it stopped when I was a teenager. I am Roman Catholic btw, so it freaked me out a bit. Egypt was not really on the school curriculum. In any case, that's all I saw during that time.

  16. I'm glad I made it all the way though that pod cast it was great information, may the consciousness revolution forever bring love and light and prevail in the end.

  17. They're description of the guards at Karnak attempting to keep people cut off from the magic of the place reminds me so much of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. I've never been anywhere with more extreme security, yet it is supposed to be the most holy and sacred place in the world for all the Abrahamic faiths. You were not allowed to pray or meditate or worship or anything there as well. You aren't even allowed to carry a Bible there. And it was very effective in cutting people off from the magic of the place. Which is very unfortunate because the entire point of pilgrimage is to experience the magic of a place. Karnak is one of the places I'm most interested in visiting in Egypt so I hope the situation there changes.

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