My Gamestop girlfriend Wanted me to get on my KNEES and beg for it! – Animated Story

In this story, my gamestop manager wanted me to beg her for my time off. But instead of getting on my knees, I got angry and decided to quit. What did I learn from this experience?

She Wanted me to get on my KNEES and beg for it! – Animated Story



  1. Question die a vergin and go to heaven
    Smash 100 of the hottest girls fat ass big bittys you know already but you go to hell but the 100 girls go with you soo yk

  2. please make the follow up to the goth gf series im hooked also theres a goth girl at my local wallmart i want to ask out but im too nervous to any advice

  3. Bro just saying yout better than me okay there's two options i have if i was you one is let my anger issue yell at her two i would've been honest with her and shii three dont saying anything

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