Pentagon Accused of Using UFO Technology for Weapon Research | CLIP | Crossroads

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A military whistleblower has made a shocking series of claims. Air Force veteran David Grusch, of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, is doing a media tour. He claims that the military has a program that has retrieved downed UFOs, including complete vehicles, and has been reverse engineering these for military weapons programs. He also claims these vehicles come from multiple species of aliens.

Among the big claims Grusch makes is that a task force formed by Congress to investigate UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) as they’re called now, was denied access to these key programs. This is the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

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Pentagon Accused of Using UFO Technology for Weapon Research | CLIP | Crossroads
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  2. We had UFOs since Tesla. Germans bought Tesla's technology for 1 million $ and perfected anti-gravity vehicles. Read Steven Quaile book Empire beneath the Ice. Mind blowing stuff with references.

  3. Government wants us to believe this and take more tax dollars to "seek and search" then they will have war with a so called fabricated fairy tale to take even more dollars to fund that war. Meanwhile back at the ranch…they'll be building more tech to remove us from existence. Gee, I always knew it was a bunch 'of demons! Fear keeps some people in line to co-operate ..🪄👀🤯

  4. No coincidence the timing of this, nothing but a distraction. If this was real, it would be classified at the highest level, and this dude would be arrested immediately!

  5. I would hope they would because unfortunately, If we do not, we may end up the unwitting recipients (as in victims) of reverse engineered advanced weapons tech. The more we know how this tech works, the more likely we can defend ourselves.

  6. I think this is all just some sort of smoke and mirrors BS going on, if this has supposedly been going on for so many years why isn't there more evidence?

  7. UFO/ really pathetic phentagon gone soft for left wing criminals guess there too busy not noticing the china spy satellite balloon. Then again there probably not going work hard for a democratic left wing president and vice president either way American being attack and Joe Biden allows it like a true None American Terrorist. Enough said!

  8. This is a disinformation campaign to distract from all of the corruption in Washington. The aliens in our country either came across the border, or have been planted in the Biden administration. We shouldn't just impeach Biden, we should send him back to his home planet.🪐 We aren't alone. There are demonic entities that hover over our government like spy balloons.

  9. i also have accusations against the pentagon that its actually built over a pentagram that was created by japanese monks who liked to drink coca cola back in 1276 after godzilla visited them and drew up how to channel another dimension from his vomit…yet no one takes me seriously. I cant imagine why not?

  10. A desperate try to daunt the Russian and Chinese armies.
    The US finally got, that their military is by far inferior to China and Russia so they say they would have hidden alien tec 😀 OMFG

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