1. Well, that was weird. What ever happened to bright, bubbly smiley helpful customer service in retail? I mean, it's a fkn video game store for crying out loud. And I thought managers were supposed to set the example being "leadership" and all? Hmph. Hell, she might as well have told him to shove it up his ass and GTFO. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Lmao if my employee didnโ€™t offer him Atleast 10 bucks for that console. And just take the duct tape. And resell it in a video game store. Ya fired

  3. I have had the persons like can I speak to the manager or like and the person said like I am the manager and like can they talk to the boss that's I'm still the boss

  4. These fuckers just love to waste people's time for there stupid social media content shit these people just act like 5 year old's grow up and act your age bro really come on people don't have time for this crap these workers don't get paid enough to deal with your dhitof course you people don't care because it's all fun and games for you but when you get your ass in trouble with the cops y'all are just crying like little bitches wanting to get out

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