1. Adsa and tescos done that in this country but that only lasted for a month when people complained about the trolleys was locking in the stores they now Don't have them 🤣

  2. We have had this in the UK since 2006 how the hell did they fuck it up that badly? Here in the UK there's a thick coloured line at the exits of their property and when it goes over that the lock engages.

  3. Our store has those…. But I'm not sure how they work…
    Our store supposedly has trolleys that lock within the store if u haven't paid to prevent you walking out with loads of unpaid goods. Again idk how that works but it's not parameter related… You can manoeuvre them to the parking lot…. All is fine.

  4. walmart I've always went to has these but the locks activate at the end of their section of parking lot never had a issue with them even when parking in the farthest back spots

  5. In germany you have to put a certain amount of spare into the carts to use them, nobody steals them and everybody brings them back from their car. Idk why america is such a shitshow

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