The BEST way to learn code!? (Tier List)👩‍💻 #code #programming #technology #software #tech #dev



  1. Bro saying that AI was awful and it’s just copy and pasting shows what he has been using for 100% also you can literally just get them to teach you how to code like learning basics and working your way up lol still wouldn’t recommend it over just starting projects and trying them out though

  2. At my college I study something called innovative development. It’s basically software engineering, but without lectures and tests. Instead, you and a group work on a project for a real company for the entire semester. Your project group can exist out of students from all years, so you can learn from those with more experience. If they can’t figure something out you can always find a professors to ask.

  3. I thought AI would be rated higher, I learned by trying to make projects with the little knowledge I had, google and clarification from chatGPT.

  4. I have to disagree about AI. I've been using chatGPT quite frequently lately, and I've never come across any incorrect answers (in coding at least). It saves me tons of time I would've spent looking for answers online.
    It's also a great tool for actually learning – it's all about the questions you choose to ask. If you ask it to write your code for you, it will (and it might do a great job explaining it too), but if you ask questions to really understand the topic, you'll get all the answers you need.

  5. Book is the best bc in books there are a structured and good information in books with many practice .You just need ro find the good book .Videos on YouTube ARE BAD DUDE bc people can't say you so many information like in books and can't gice you so much practice And school this is so bad bc usually teachers explain extremly bad .Your opinion is si wrong

  6. I use everything. Sometine i check thtorial. Some time i ask ai, some time i go to a discord. Sometime i am checking the documentation ecc. Also i am making my own project and learn on the way. 💪

  7. The problem with project based learning is that you need to know the basics of that language first, which brings you back to where you started. So how do you start? Codecademy?

  8. My favorite way to learn coding is to set a goal— like make a simple window pop up. Then, I look at tutorials on how you do that, so I can follow the syntax and get a feel for how you program in the language.

    Every person learns programming differently, but I thought I’d share my way as I know the mass amounts of tutorials is draining, especially if you only want to do a simple task.

    As for AI, I have found that ChatGPT is AMAZING at fixing my issues. I could spend hours trying to explain to google the complicated issue I have in my code, or I can paste it into ChatGPT and they will make changes for me.

    Sure the changes aren’t perfect, but it’s a framework for something I can add on to to get the solution I need!

  9. I think if u r learning to code from your mentor like u r from a toutorial u r wasting both of your time.

    A mentor can do so lucj for you on the big picture u should use ur time together for that

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