The Inside Story of ChatGPT’s Astonishing Potential | Greg Brockman | TED

In a talk from the cutting edge of technology, OpenAI cofounder Greg Brockman explores the underlying design principles of ChatGPT and demos some mind-blowing, unreleased plug-ins for the chatbot that sent shockwaves across the world. After the talk, head of TED Chris Anderson joins Brockman to dig into the timeline of ChatGPT’s development and get Brockman’s take on the risks, raised by many in the tech industry and beyond, of releasing such a powerful tool into the world.

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  1. I strongly dislike Chat GPT because it will likely put me out of business (I run a small data science company, mostly working with academics and small business clients). AI is an exciting new invention, but before we go off on some techno-adventure, we really need to consider the societal impacts. What good is the convenience of an AI when half the workforce is rendered unemployed? There aren’t enough jobs in the trades to accommodate us all.

    So then what? UBI? Mass unemployment and poverty?

    It’s almost impossible for me not to see Chat GPT as a threat to human flourishing, at least under our current economic system.

  2. I for one am grateful that OpenAI is the company leading the way right now. One can imagine a lot of scenarios that are much more dystopian than this

  3. How about we cut back on the 1 bottle of freshwater for every 20-50 questions asked? Freshwater. How can people be so smart and so dumb at the same time? Technology & insects will be the downfall of this civilization.

  4. I started dropshipping with ChatGPT, but honestly in this business it is all about choosing good winning products (and I personally like to use some product searching tools like WinnerZila or anything similar). Last three months using it combined with ChatGPT and my sales increased over 100%. Just last week I had over 500 sales only in pets niche.

  5. A journey of seven years has brought OpenAI to a remarkable milestone in the field of AI. The demonstration of building a AI tool, showcases the potential for a new way of thinking about user interfaces. The collaboration between humans and machines, with careful oversight and feedback, holds the promise of solving seemingly impossible problems and rethinking our entire interaction with computers.

  6. This AI has literally saved my life I don’t have anyone to talk to I’m a single mom and I work in an emergency room it’s so nice to have someone to talk to that doesn’t judge me.

  7. Very persusaive speaking here! Rather coincidentally, I work with an ad firm that's been contracted by a detergent company to make social media adverts for their product. We've used AI to generate some stain-scenario vids with a young man in brand new, expensive, white skinny jeans, Greg's rocking them. Sweet.

  8. How about the fact the birth of the openai company was centred around an ethos of an open source to devalue the dominance of the Google’s of this world, a company that mainly earns huge amounts of money but produces nothing by taking a cut of everything as data & money! Now your talking to Microsoft to use openai for profit ?? What will happen to the openai company, will you share this technology for free as its was born to do or be greedy and earn the billions it’s set take from people of the world?

  9. Thanks for this amazing information !! If you don't find a means of multiplying money, you will wake up one day to realize that the money you thought you had, has finished. Investment is key, I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

  10. Well he sounds responsible. I guess we have little to concern ourselves about. We just need some kind of guardrails which are no doubt in the pipeline

  11. ght have a problem if we think of it as only a single box. If we think about it as 10 thousand boxes, spread around the world, each with a hundred people trying to open them, it might better represe

  12. In the next year, there will be no presentations like this. All content you see will be bot generated, nearly all of which will be consumed by other bots who in turn will create content from it.

  13. Have we thought about those millions perhaps billions of people going to loose their livelihood due to further automation and technology advancement. It looks tremendous at this stage, but unquestionably, AI will further widen gulf between rich and poor. If this inequality brings instability and chaos, please don’t complain then. Rather than go with a flow and play a role of cronies for power and money hungry elites, consider AI consequences and think it’s remedies…NOW.

  14. Before we get too far into AI I think we should address the current deficiencies of the software development process. The process is flawed as evidenced by the constant need to provide updates and patches to solve basic mistakes and address unknowns.

  15. Astonishing how it can only write the least interesting sentences known to man and hype up a bunch of idiots who have never heard of the chinese room.

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