This Might Finally Be The End Of GameStop…

The recent GameStop news all but guarantees tough times ahead for the failing company.
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  1. GameStop may have faired better if they shifted a large portion of their business to PC sales; both pre-built and components. Staff their stores with people who are actually competent in IT, PC building, and PC gaming and they could have had someting great.

  2. I had to buy games online cause there are't any Gamestop stores in Puerto Rico anymore for years.
    Sure, we still have Best Buy and Walmart, but half of the time, they don't have what I'm looking for in stock.

  3. What they should be doing is becoming a “chill and play” spot, subscription service where you play the game, if you want to get the game and take it home you can buy it, there is food and other commodities there, while still seeking their funko pops and stuff.

    Also in my game stop they don’t harass me with the extra stuff, they are very nice and they actually talk to you in a friendly way and joke around with you

  4. Only way they could possibly save it is to change to a retro store or like an arcade like place where u can pick games on the shelf to play in store so you can test out games your interested in before buying them 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. Honestly I went into GameStop as a kid because I didn’t have a debit card, only cash from doing yard work 😂so I couldn’t buy online.
    And now I only go there if my gaming headset breaks and I don’t want to wait for a new one to be shipped to me.

  6. It's wild to have lived through the rise and now fall of video game stores. One of the first in my area was called Funcoland, whom printed their inventory on paper resembling a news paper with updated prices every 2 weeks. Eventually they became GameStop and that's when things began to go downhill for the customer experience.

  7. I meannn I got my series x at GameStop, there was these really cute girls workin the counter. Idk if it was jus my look but I was jus kinda flirting back and forth w them

  8. I still occasionally go there, but I am really disappointed by the variety of games GameStop is selling currently.

    They should go back to selling Xbox 360 and PS2 era games 😀 (if its even economically possible to purchase all those games cheaply)

  9. If all of gamestop is closing, then all game consoles needs to update that if game is installed by disc form, then the game should be accessed without the disc version, otherwise, they would pay more for the same game that's the digitial version. There should be at least a permanent 75% discount for the digitial version after the disc version.

  10. honesty gamestop might be able to make some money if they start focusing on reselling older games/retro games, there's still quite a community out there that looks around for old games and they could make good money off of it, the only problem is they'd need to get there hands on a lot of those retro games to sell them in the first place, instead of having them delivered like they do with recently released games

  11. well, what should they do? end the company? focus on online? its really not their fault people get their games online

  12. This blueprint for a digital convenient world is really killing authentic vibes to actually have fun and enjoy life. Everything has to be centralized and dominated into one source. Life itself is trying to go somewhere

  13. I've got 3 gamestops in my area and it's been 2 years since I've seen any of them open for business so hearing this company didn't crash and burn already is a shocker.

  14. Even in Ireland Gamestop already is leaving and all of their 35 stores are closing. But we get really good half price sales because of it so its good

  15. If they went retro and sold games and consoles that aren't available online they might survive…
    I'd go back if i could get a Gamecube and that type of stuff.

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