Today, we explore a timelapse of the future, specifically future technology. How will technology look 1000 years from now? In the world today, many technologies are accelerating exponentially. Humans are discovering things that would mystify scientists even a few decades ago, but our progress resembles a blip in the grand scale of our technological evolution over the next millennium.
Founder: Peter Schumaker
Chief Editor:
Tristan Reed
Original soundtrack by Joseph McDade
love this channel
If this video is protected for 1000 years they’d look back and laugh their ass off.
Wait, did you just say 4D printer? Time travel?
this episode is literally a Michio kaku lecture but with nice animation and simplified information since the work of the great professor isnt always easy to understand for everyone. nice job koranos, as always, you did a great job bringing complicated information to everyone in a beautiful way.
There will be a time that all of us will look Physically Beautiful because of nanobots and biotech, just imagine the average person then will look like a celebrity ,maybe better than a celebrity

I feel that by the End of This Century we will become Type 1 civilization because of the speed technology is changing

The expanding rift is between those who can AFFORD these and those who STARVE.
Doubt it!
Gorgeous & well done as always!!!
3:43 Why this cursed image? Why not simply put there some Starships and not Spaceshuttles WITH their Boosters, that they ONLY need to overcome Earth high Gravity.
5:14 This shouldn't be necessary, because the brain is capable to save everything and has the amount of more that 2 Peterbyte. Even with more modern processes we can't create a machine like in Black Morror (S. 3 E. 3 "The Entire History of You")
5:53 StarGate Replicator…
9:03 Cyberman
9:43 But this is a Dyson Sphere
That's all cool but have you thought that this technology needs energy to run? Where is this energy going to come from? I recommend "The Great Simplification" by Nate Hagens. The actual future technology is going to be bikes instead of cars, and human interaction instead of computers/smartphones, "natural" intelligence instead of energy-hungry AI. And that is assuming that we even have any future at all and don't go extinct in climate hellscape that's unfolding in front of our eyes.
Humanity will be extinct by the year 2500 due to climate change.
None of this will happen because of “N”
You can actually tell that this video was made before Chatgpt came into the picture.
Awesome and intriguing video.
Consciousness has been made a joke of
its weird, but i am happy i dont get to be a part of that in the future, i kinda just want to live a normal life with my wife and kids, grow old see my grandchildren, know what i have been doing with my life and then if possible peacefully go and leave everything i made behind for the next generation.
Futurism, Transhumanism & UNITER/United Nation Innovative Transhumanist Republic Project ( Type 1 – 6 Civilization & Beyond) will remain TIMELESS not Dogmatic mythologies ideologies texts & it's End time's prophecies. As long this idealism (Ideas) exist, then Optimistic Nihilism will prevail.
Dogmatic mythologies ideologies texts & Theocracies will get buried in the museum during/post The Transhumanism Revolution Era FOREVER.
Edited: Dogmatic Mythologies ideologies texts & Theocracies are responsible for the impediment of scientific technological innovation advancements. If it weren't for these 2 our sentient species would have achieved everything mentioned above much earlier.
I absolutely love this video. Much respect, support, love & power to you Koranos.
This is an interesting video, but it is a huge pet peeve to me when people say quantum computers are going to replace conventional computers, or that they're "faster" — that's like saying that a new GPU or FPU is going to replace your computer. It's not. it's a separate type of processor that uses different methods to perform different tasks. If anything, when they come down to the consumer level, they'll probably end up being separate modules like your GPU.
It's interesting how you talk about "future" technology that already exist today, and how humans do machine's labour in the future.
This video looks and sounds good but is merely just a kid's show. Any educated adult understands that it's practically impossible to make predictions only 5 years into the future.
Reminds me of Cyberpunk 2077
we have so much tech invented everyday, its just the goverment …probably…..withholding everything. Just look at military's tools and toys they got for example.
The end of civalization! But first we will destroy ourselves, and when it all comes out I'll be glad I'll be long dead.