Top 10 Things to Do in Colombia, South America

Get ready as our resident roamer, Courtney Scott, shows you the Top 10 Things to Do in Colombia. From Medellin, to Bogota, Salento to Cartagena, Courtney counts down the must-do experiences for your next Colombian getaway.

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  1. Thank you. Colombia is such a beautiful country. I find the calls to really interesting. I like all the diverse landscapes beautiful greenery Beeches islands and colonial architecture. The people seem friendly and fun. They like salsa clubs and party. I would like to visit a coffee Plantation.

  2. Great video! A lot of information packed into a two minute video. I've been living in Colombia for over two years and have just started making some videos on my channel as well!

  3. Go Colombia go Cartegena, Guasca, Pitalito, Timana, San Agustin, Bogota, Mesitas del Colegio y muchas mas ciudades y lindos municipios…. Go Colombia go… cool video

  4. I just got back from Colombia! Medellin, Cali and Salento/Cocora Valley in 8 days. Flew into Cali, took a bus to Salento and Medellin. Great video! I can't wait to go back to Colombia and explore Cartagena and Bogota!

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