Travelocity Gnome commercial Jan/2010 tarirarirari ti tuuuuuu……

Thanks for watching…We do ask for a “LIKE” on our new project on and you could win prizes and its for good cause

This is the funniest commercial from travelocity in my opinion so far. And due to the success views of my upload, I made you a ringtone of the first 17 seconds with enhanced voice equalization in MP3 format! Put it in your phone and enjoy it πŸ˜‰
Download here song.mp3



  1. oh I found it. It doesn't have the title of gnomeysong, it's called tara22 on the file, if anyone else has had trouble finding it when they donwloaded on their phone. LOVE IT!

  2. I would love to have that ringtone… I downloaded it and it's showing on my phone when I look at the folders through my computer, but I can't find it on my actual phone to make it a ringtone. Anyone else successfully use it? I have a Samsung Galaxy SII if that helps..

  3. I feel like this all the time. ALL THE TIME. xD I'm usually stuck at home, but I've made some friends who have been inviting me to things from time to time and now I'm spoiled so I NEVER WANT TO BE HOME. EVER.

  4. The commercial is great but the service sucks… Call centers in india and they speak grade 1 English .. They scam you .. Never booking with them again!

  5. lol, my dad recorded this with his phone and sent this to my uncle cuz we live in florida and it was like 80 degrees and he lives in New York and it was snowing and raining. he likes rubbing it in (even tho id rather be in NY than here)

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