When Flight Attendants Are Stand Up Comedians! Hilarious Compilation

Having the attention of over 100 people, is every stand-up comedian’s dream, so it’s not surprising that a lot of flight attendants take advantage of their captive audiences and let their sense of humor run wild! Here’s what happens when flight attendants are stand-up comedians! And remember, if you laugh, you subscribe!

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  1. I love it when they describe their smoking lounges: "Just outside our mid plane exits. If you can light them, you can smoke them, and your fellow passengers gets to see one of 2 feature movies: Gone With The Wing or Bye-Bye Birdie!"

  2. I'll never forget our flight attendant was doing the announcements and reminded us to keep our "compliance diapers" firmly over our nose and mouth. Not many people laughed but I thought it was hilarious!

  3. She throw packets of biscuits on the floor for paying passengers?! if that happens during the flight im in, ill take the most packets of biscuits that i can, open them and throw the biscuits to her face.. so rude & disgusting.. even people in the streets needing help dont deserve such treatment.. to make them pick up the food you throw on the floor..

  4. My favorite: this is a non-smoking flight, and if you really want to smoke ? Go outside and sit on the wing and smoke your cigarettes if you can light it.

  5. I flew Spirit Airlines out of Vegas. The captain said "How was Vegas? Apparently not so good, because you're flying spirit airlines." Made me feel more relaxed.

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