Why This GameStop Pro Membership Price Increase Is GREAT!

GameStop is increasing the price of their GameStop Pro Membership from $15 to $25, but it’s not all bad news. Let’s chat about what’s new and why it is great for loyal shoppers! Ryan Cohen & crew may be on to something here!

More details: https://www.smashjt.com/post/gamestop-pro-membership-changes-and-price-increase-incoming




  1. $14.99 to $24.99 is a 66.7% increase, then GameStop wants to give you 5% off on pre-owned junk for a pro membership and a whopping increase? No thanks GME! 💪

  2. Personally speaking this is all great even with price increase but I don't shop at GameStop anymore. I used to go to one that was 10 minutes away from my place all the time but now it's been taken over by these young kids which I have nothing against them but I'm not really interested in talking to kids.

    Nowadays for modern games I usually just get my games online with VGP or Play Asia with games those sites that GameStop doesn't even carry. If I do buy used games I just get them at my favorite mom & pop shop as they not only carry modern games but they sell the games I'm interested in. Anything usually retro.

  3. My man… As someone that has had a Pro Membership for over a decade now, I’ll be one to tell you that this is anything BUT great.

    Compared to what many of us have had until now and even when they had an Elite Pro Membership tier, the benefits they gave us then were MILES better than what they’re considering to be “benefits”.

    NO sane gamer would see this as a good deal for what they’re charging per year. All it is is just a straight up rip off.

  4. Ill be ending my sub. The price change isnt worth it. And even if some ppl WOULD consider it, the points expire date changes is a deal breaker.

    The whole point of their program is to reward members for buying by letting them rank up points for discounts. And now that theyre adding expirations and forcing customers to use them when they dont want, backlash is going to be huge. And already is.

  5. I just canceled my remaining pre-orders with GS; four orders in total. I'd didn't realize they moved the free shipping threshold up to $79 until I checked my membership on the site. I don't want to lock in anymore incentives to shop there if it will cost me in the long term. Its best I use my points in-store soon and then cut all ties with GS. There is no reason to shop online if they aren't flexible (no in-store pickup options) and $79 means that no standard retail price game is eligible for free shipping, its just laughably bad. I will not be renewing because of the new free shipping threshold, I can't accrue enough points in time with their new method and the $5 monthly rewards have too many restrictions now.

  6. The only thing they added that you didn't already receive was the 5% bs discount, and now your points will expire. No way does that justify a $10 increase. They are peeing on us and telling us it just raining.

  7. I currently have a pro membership, it expires January 2024. Will I then have to pay the 25 to renew it or will I keep the old price? And are you able to add a year to it to extend it or not?

  8. I was told that the monthly $5 coupon would no longer work on digital currency gift cards, which is the main value of the membership today since a lot of people don't regularly buy physical game copies anymore. So, Gamestop can piss right off raising the cost so much AND eliminating that. They're going to seriously sabotage themselves right after posting their first positive quarter in ages.

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