wtf gamestop (and AMC)

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Nico Roensch (Roensch Capital) helps to simplify the potentially intimidating world of stock and options investing/trading while providing unbiased analysis on long and short-term wealth building vehicles.

In this video we’ll discuss GME earnings and Ryan Cohen, as well as discussing how this relates to AMC stock, as they are very similar plays that carry the same risks to shorts.

This is not investment advice, this is providing the tools and visuals you need to make an educated decision based on the charts.
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  1. I have $40k invested in AMC which is now worth approx $10k with an average of $17, I have been holding and averaging down for two years. Do I worry or lose sleep over my investment, no I do not because it costs me absolutely NOTHING to hold onto my investment. It has not been pleasant watching the value fall time and time again, but it still does not cost me anything other than what I originally invested. This cannot be said for a short position! I think now that the people who are long on AMC are more united and resilient than they ever have been. No amount of fud, illegal practises or bullshit that is thrown at us has any effect…………if I were a short in these meme stocks then I would be worried, very worried. The shorts/manipulators can bribe, coerce and influence each other/government departments and officials, etc BUT they need one thing they cannot and will never have, control over retail investors! 🦍

  2. He isnt wrong about the trojan horse RC… He DESTROYED momos in BBBYQ….. and they are STILL trying to pump it. THERE ARE NO STORES LEFT. NO REVENUE. NO SALES… and ppl are still PUMPING THE TICKER FOR NO REASON.

    RC left long ago but not after HE STOLE YOUR MONEY

    SHORT GME and let these CROOKED FS know retail has adapted.

    BUY IT – and let them know they can keep coming back to the well to steal your money. Its that simple.

  3. I agree that this was a bad move and way of dealing with it. They should have had the conference call, announced Matt's departure soon and just played the shitshow the way it needs to be played.

    On the other hand, RC is known for such out of the box moves. So maybe it's part of the scheme. You should do it this way, but we do it different.

    Time will tell. Doesn't change my conviction in GME.

  4. AMC bagholders are 10x bigger clowns than the delusion gmc cult… Still sitting around down waiting for a moass…lol. keep averaging down that pump n dump, the funds love free money

  5. So you are making shit up like mainstream media now? Furlong was never fired. He was terminated. Any reason for leaving a job constitutes as termination, good or bad. GameStop even put out a statement that his departure was not do to any disagreements. You might want to do some actual research before opening your mouth and looking like an idiot.

  6. Many of the SHF tricks have been exposed even though it seems impossible to pinpoint how many shares are short in both stocks. However, exposing the tricks reassure’s me that they are fighting to survive and don’t have a winning hand.

  7. Naw I agree with him nobody go to GameStop everybody going digital and cloud and why is Ryan coven meme king he just made money on bbby that I know of

  8. Imagine talking about GameStop for 17 minutes and never mentioning DRS and the theory there are 10x times more shares sitting in accounts than number of shares that actually exist.

    Also GME and AMC are nothing alike.

  9. The samething are happening in the stores. They are not paying welling, and they have taken away bonuses for lower employees. This is why they have a high turnaround and short on employees

  10. Furlong's contract was for 24 months, i think it expired normally.
    You made a good point that it's too risky to short, yet they do it. All yourself why? Are they idiots? Or are they compelled to?
    If they're fd if they close, and fd if they lose a short, then shorting and trying to win is the only way out.
    They don't do it because it's cheap, safe, or lucrative.
    They do it because they have to.

  11. You continue trying for the beach ball because you know if you try to cover it, it becomes a dog eat dog world in relation to the midsize and large shorts.

  12. You should make a content on how to earn 6 figures in monthly profits cos I've been reading about investors making up as much and I'd really love to know how to such substantial profit in this current market

  13. They don't locate, they park the FTD shares in the Obligation Warehouse. They are listed in the Hedge Funds financials as "shares sold but not yet purchased". Stopped the video @ 11:46.
    Couldn't listen any longer… You're beginning to sound a lot like Gensler, Cramer, et al.

  14. Why is the media still talking about Meme stocks, bringing in experts and geniuses to bash a certain subset of retail investors that are doing their thing and don't follow the overall market. why are they still doing this? move on main stream media… you do you… unless, this is meant as some sort of distraction or manipulative attempt for this subset of retail community to relinquish their shares… huh… interesting…

  15. He is trying to make Ryan sound stupid but from what I've seen he is not at all. I wouldn't say he is a genius but he does know how to make GameStop successful.

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